Mobilising the potential of your staff teams gains successfully outcomes for implementing the college or university policies. Equally, individual staff members should be recognised as the innovators and change agents central to your institutional activities. By maximising the formal opportunities offered by HR, as well as encouraging a general, broader engagement by staff your institution can truly achieve sustainable development.
EAUC-Scotland's Community Engagement Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
From the EAUC Annual Conference 2014 at Nottingham Trent University - an interactive speciality workshop looking at displaying your sustainability data quickly and clearly by...
A presentation from the 2014 EAUC Conference about implementing a socially responsible side to your procurement policy.
Presentation, by Kirsti Norris and Andrea Gewessler, from 18th EAUC Annual Conference 2014 on engaging students through Student Wisdom Councils.
The NUS Students’ Green Fund offered students' unions a share of £5m for large-scale sustainability projects, here are three case studies.
A presentation from the 2014 Conference about the University of Bristol which brought together formal, informal curricular learning and subliminal learning based on the...
A presentation from the 2014 Conference about developing a training package to help deliver your sustainability goals using LSE and UCL as case studies.
Presentation from 18th EAUC Annual Conference 2014 by Dr. Louise Ellis, Head of Sustainability and James Dixon-Gough, Sustainability Officer, University Leeds.
This pre-Conference session uses an excerpt from a recent EAUC CPD course 'self-leadership for sustainability' to challenge and inspire you to look again at your own...
This interactive session was designed to round off the EAUC 2014 Annual Conference by bringing the focus of sustainability back onto the delegates and their teams
A plenary presentation from the 18th EAUC Annual Conference 2014 about the strategies and challenges that are involved in embedding sustainability across the institution.
Daniel O'Connor discusses a study into waste practices and costs across tertiary education sector and highlights areas which will help you improve recycling and reduce costs.
Job Description for the Graduate BEMS Engineer.
Videos of the Furniture4reuse Store at the University of Manchester
Fairtrade Fortnight aims to raise the profile of the FAIRTRADE Mark, the principles of fair trade and the problems facing farmers and producers in developing countries. Staff at...
Outline of the Oxford Brookes University Fairtrade debate 'How universities can go beyond Fairtrade'. In celebration of 10 years as the World's first Fairtrade...
This is an event poster for Fairtrade Fortnight 2014 at Anglia Ruskin Students' Union to inspire your own communications.
C-change is the overarching brand for sustainability related engagement at the University of Brighton.
In 2012 the University of Nottingham launched a 'How green is your lab competition', kick-starting multiple programmes for long term change.
An innovative project using students to do an online Green Deal pre assessment survey of 260 student houses as part of a broader approach to maximise the uptake of the Green...
A red hot social enterprise - The Cheltenham Chilli Company The aim of the project was simple; get students producing their own food sustainably.