The EAUC is committed to driving this innovative information portal forward - making it relevant to the specific challenges faced by staff at institutions wherever they are in the country. Scotland has a wealth of resources throughout its colleges and universities, there is now the opportunity to build on that knowledge bank by expanding our content with more Scottish specific examples.
These resources support EAUC Scotland activity, allowing colleagues in a variety of organisations and locations to share their sustainability experiences via an active news feed, events diaries, best practice guides, tool kits, reports, research, webinars and videos. These multidisciplinary resources are to help provide institutions and their staff with the tools that are needed to put sustainability at the forefront of tertiary education in Scotland.
EAUC Scotland is continuously gathering case studies and examples of good practice to support its activity as well as the Scottish Funding Council and Scottish Government priorities. With universities and colleges having been named as ‘major players’ under the Public Bodies Climate Change Duties (PBCCD) it is important that the achievements and examples are accessible for everyone throughout the UK to utilise. Click here to see the 2022 PBCCD Analysis Report.
A case study about Queen Margaret University’s Corstorphine Campus which was relocated and how it embraced the challenge to deliver the most sustainable campus in the UK.
Survey results from Heriot-Watt University's Energy Performance and Estates Condition Survey.
Recycling and sustainability within rural further and higher education institutions can be difficult without the support and advice that is more readily available to those...
A case study from The University of St Andrews getting to the next level and integrating sustainability into every part of the institution.
The University of St Andrews implemented a compulsory in-house recycling scheme for staff and students. Working closely with the local authority they undertook a rationalisation...
A case study of Elmwood College which used the golf course and farm as living/working educational resources to increase environmental awareness.
MITIE shares two case studies from some work completed with a school and a college in the installation of Ewgeco systems to monitor electricity.
A short talk on the environmental values of urban green walls focusing on the animal biodiversity, air quality, building insulation (thermal, noise and light) and human well-being.
Founded in 2005, the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA), comprising Edinburgh, Glasgow, Herriot-Watt, St Andrews, Strathclyde, and West of Scotland Universities, is...
A case study from SUSTEIT about free cooling, avoidance of hot/cold air arrangements, and variable speed drives, which can save in energy costs, compared to older, unoptimised,...
Purpose-built to house the School of Computing, a simple, low energy design, which saves energy, reduces environmental impacts and enhances productivity
This case study introduces "HECToR" (High End Computing Terascale Resources)
In the Queen Margaret University campus a key feature is thin client IT infrastructure, which produces less heat and allows the building to be mostly naturally lit and ventilated.
Love Food Hate Waste aims to raise awareness of the need to reduce food waste and help us take action. It shows that by doing some easy practical everyday things in the home we...
A number of websites that provide useful information on green ICT.
ICT (or e-Waste) at your institution, an EAUC Insight Guide, provides useful information on e-waste, covering a number of areas such as regulations, storing, recycling and...
UK National Ecosystem Assessment: Synthesis of the Key Findings is the first analysis of the UK natural environment in terms of the benefits it provides to society and...
Sustainable ICT in Further and Higher Education, a JISC report, provides useful information on good practice in environmentally sustainable ICT
ICT briefing by JISC for the senior management team in November 2011, elaborating on the ways available for institutions to use ICT to go green, employing a couple of case studies
Reducing Paper Use at Your Institution, an EAUC Insight Guide, provides guidance on reducing paper use and recycling waste paper, embracing other relevant aspects such as legal...