The EAUC is committed to driving this innovative information portal forward - making it relevant to the specific challenges faced by staff at institutions wherever they are in the country. Scotland has a wealth of resources throughout its colleges and universities, there is now the opportunity to build on that knowledge bank by expanding our content with more Scottish specific examples.
These resources support EAUC Scotland activity, allowing colleagues in a variety of organisations and locations to share their sustainability experiences via an active news feed, events diaries, best practice guides, tool kits, reports, research, webinars and videos. These multidisciplinary resources are to help provide institutions and their staff with the tools that are needed to put sustainability at the forefront of tertiary education in Scotland.
EAUC Scotland is continuously gathering case studies and examples of good practice to support its activity as well as the Scottish Funding Council and Scottish Government priorities. With universities and colleges having been named as ‘major players’ under the Public Bodies Climate Change Duties (PBCCD) it is important that the achievements and examples are accessible for everyone throughout the UK to utilise. Click here to see the 2022 PBCCD Analysis Report.
Responses from EAUC Members on how to improve campus bike security and the policies and procedures that can help create a strategy for abandoned bikes.
Two videos from Ellen MacArthur Foundation about the biologist and ecologist at the design table. Products and processes which use nature as mentor, model and measure.
Guidance from NICE on local measures to promote walking and cycling as forms of travel or recreation are now available.
A summary of the CRC text taken from the Chancellor's 2012 Autumn Statement.
Responses from EAUC Members about the processes that need to be adhered to in order for abandoned bikes can be removed so they can be recycled or refurbished
A presentation about behaviour change which offers a simple overview of the key areas, theoretical models, the barriers to change and some example projects.
The Strategy for Sustainable Construction (June 2008) which is intended to promote leadership and behavioural change in sustainable construction.
The Cabinet Office Behavioural Insights Team’s first Annual Report (2011).
Two posters about assessment for sustainability by Arran Stibbe, University of Gloucestershire.
A report undertaken as part of the Association of Colleges ‘Green Colleges’ initiative, which aims to showcase college best practice and help them become as green as...
The Government's Behavioural Insights Team has published a report setting out how they can use behavioural insights to help people save energy and money.
A chapter from the The Presidential Perspectives Series on how campuses can leverage sustainability for institutional gain in a competitive marketplace.
A compilation of responses from EAUC Members on their Environmental Management Systems
This report sets out the Department for Transport's cycling policy (January 2008) and demonstrates the health and environmental benefits of cycling.
The Framework for Sustainable Lifestyles is a tool to support Defra and external organisations to develop effective approaches to influence behaviour
The University of Aberdeen is working with the Creative Waste Exchange to divert material from landfill to community groups and other organisations such as schools that are able...
Lauder College has built a unique construction workshop (ECOspace) and training centre for educating students in environmental best practice for the construction industry.
The University of Glasgow and the Carbon Trust worked together on a Carbon Management Programme which identified opportunities to reduce energy consumption and make the...
A University of Bradford led project stimulating strategic change & operational improvements by working with estates & other departments with energy/environmental...
Lucideon's Quick Guide to ISO 50001: The New Energy Management System Standard - a reporting guide and a video.