Salix has worked with 725 clients across the public sector, including local authorities, central government, schools, universities and colleges and NHS trusts.
A guide to Display Energy Certificates and advisory report for public buildings
A webpage link to Defra's policy on reducing and managing waste.
Waste Online is a library of documents relating to sustainability, waste use and resource use. It provide information for people from all locations and of all levels of knowledge.
An organisation working to deliver the skills and knowledge needed to make better places for people now and in the future, focusing on young people, professionals and communities
GreenBuild was a LGM project, mainly financed by the four UK funding bodies including HEFCE, and AUDE, with additional support from the Carbon Trust with two workstreams
CEBenchbuild is an Excel tool that allows HEIs and FECs to benchmark the energy performance of buildings on their estate and compare it to national yardsticks.
A summary from HEFCE for measuring scope 3 carbon emissions
The output from 3 consultation seminars which contributed to the 2009 sustainable development action plan.
This document is an updated strategic statement and action plan on sustainable development in the higher education sector following feedback received on the consultation...
This document from HEFCE offers guidance for institutions on producing individual carbon reduction strategies, targets and associated carbon management plans.
This overview covers the main energy saving opportunities in lighting and presents low-cost measures without compromising working conditions.
This guide discusses; Strategic Overview, Contractual and Project Methodology, Financial Incentives, Renewable Power Technologies and Renewable Heat Technologies
This report is the culmination of a six-month investigation into how different subject disciplines taught within the higher education system are contributing to creating...
Founded on a similar concept to HEA’s Change Academy programme, Green Academy's focus is developmental – specifically on ESD – and was run as a pilot for the 2011...
An update to the 2006 WRAP report "Environmental Benefits of Recycling".
Notes from the UCU Sustainability workshop looking at the problems and successes of implementing the sustainable paradigm.
The Government Buying Standards (formerly the Buy Sustainable - Quick Wins) have been designed to make it easier for government buyers to buy sustainably.
E-procurement (electronic procurement) refers to the purchase and sale of supplies, goods and services through the internet or other information and networking systems.
Article 5 of the EU Energy Service Directive applies to energy usage for all Higher Education institutions.