ICT briefing by JISC for the senior management team in November 2011, elaborating on the ways available for institutions to use ICT to go green, employing a couple of case studies
'How is it recycled?' is a series of videos produced by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) and 'RecycleNow' providing useful information about...
EAUC Members responses about the management of paid car parks at institutions.
Responses from EAUC Members on Members' experience of monitoring the use of bicycle racks.
Benchmarks for target setting, a short guide developed by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), provides information on selecting suitable metrics and KPIs; project...
A completely free ‘Fleet Health Check’ is available from The Energy Saving Trust for organisations with more than 20 vehicles
A toolkit published by the Department for Transport (DfT) which provides a practical tool for users wishing to apply the latest behavioural insights in the transport context.
View two Education for Sustainability (EFS) guides produced by Dr Alex Ryan and Professor Daniella Tilbury from the University of Gloucestershire.
A presentation on Environmental Co-ordinator Questionnaire results, providing a snapshot of the public sector Environmental Co-ordinator network system.
A toolkit to provide pathways that will lead us to a clean, safe and energy healthy 2050 developed by the DECC
'Community learning and action for sustainable living (CLASL): A guide to supporting communities in sustainable living', a report published by WWF-UK in 2008, draws on...
An online book depository allows downloading a wide range of useful textbooks FREE of charge and it includes a whole section on Energy and The Environment.
Biodiversity 2020: sets out the strategic direction for the next decade for England’s biodiversity policy on land (including rivers and lakes) and at sea.
Consumer behaviour contributes significantly to society’s impact on the environment. Design for sustainable behaviour (DfSB) aims to lower the environmental and social...
This resource consists of the weblink to the factsheets for EU Ecolabels.
The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) is an alliance of companies, trade unions and voluntary organisations, working in partnership to improve the lives of poor and vulnerable...
Responsible supply chain management isn’t just a question of doing the right thing – it makes good business sense. This guide outlines key issues & details a...
Achieving Excellence in Construction Procurement Guide in 'Whole-life Costing and Cost Management', published by the Office of Government Commerce in 2007. Link to the...
The UK Government's Sustainable Procurement Action Plan produced by DEFRA in 2007. Incorporating the Government response to the report of the Sustainable Task Force. Part...
This links to asection of the BREEAM website includes case studies on buildings certified to the BREEAM standard.