GreenBookLive is a unique reference source and online listing of environmental products and services, including a list of BREEAM certified buildings and licensed BREEAM Assessors
BRE Global’s website for BREEAM, a design and assessment method for sustainable buildings.
This 2011 report, compiled by Ernst & Young, defines the changing meaning of sustainability for a Chief Financial Officer in any organisation, including universities and...
Three presentations delivered at the conference 'How to set up an Environmental Champion Network' held at the University of the West of England (UWE) in November 2011
A question from Lucy Latham (Carbon Emissions Officer, Newcastle University) on water audits, especially on company selection and savings identification, attracted responses...
A comprehensive presentation on how to understand, produce, plan and implement biodiversity whilst engaging key groups in the institution.
Responses from EAUC Members on whether there a link between bus vs. car issues and student attendance at institutions.
EAUC Member responses to a request for information to help plan the introduction of bee hives on a city centre campus.
Responses from five EAUC Members about How has the environmental agenda been incorporated into degree courses
Here is a sample curriculum managers audit, which helped to embed the sustainable ideal in the curriculum during 2010/11 and could be customised to any specific institution.
This UCU energy inspection checklist is compiled from a combination of Carbon Trust and Prospect checklists and is designed to assess the energy use in your building via an...
A response from the University and College Union on meeting the low carbon skills challenge
Examples of how four institutions manage biodiversity on their campus.
Sustainable development in higher education: 2008 update to HEFCE's strategic statement and action plan.
Examples of carbon reduction strategies, plans and initiatives from a number of universities.
Examples from five British universities on how they manage their waste. Links to websites of University of Aberdeen, University of Bristol, University of Derby, University of...
HEFCE's Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) supports HEIs' knowledge exchange activities and interactions with business and the wider community
This guide is one of a series designed to help UCU members engage with their institution on the ‘green agenda’. This is an area that is extremely important and it is...
This significant piece of activity was undertaken by Guild HE in late 2009/early 2010 alongside Universities UK and in discussion with HEFCE
In the 2008/09 academic year NUS Services ran two technical projects designed to find out how the equipment found in most students' unions could be managed most efficiently