Plenary presentation from 2013 EAUC Conference about 'Creating an inclusive sustainability ethos: the case of The University of Nottingham'.
The session will spur an exchange of ideas, create contacts in order to share experience and examine next steps to develop toolkits and resources for green champions
A presentation about the launch of the Students' Green Fund at the 2013 EAUC Annual Conference.
Responses from EAUC Members offering advice on setting up a DIY bike repair station
This short webinar discusses why energy management is becoming a necessity in this era of rising energy costs.
Details of the NUS HQ, a demonstrator of an eco-office with a range of pioneering sustainability initiatives, including a pay as you go light scheme.
Link to the Jiscmail list to subscribe to the HEA's e-newsletter and e-bulletin.
This research looks at the links between sustainability and employability in the graduate job market in relation to higher education teaching and learning.
The Art of Green Jujitsu is a video that was made to promote the message to "ditch the eco-cliches and put yourself in your colleagues' shoes."
There is a definite art to crafting a successful award submission. So we’ve produced our top 10 tips for Awards success to bear in mind when writing your Award submission.
This European TUC guide provides advice on good practice from trade union activists across the EU on how to get going on greening their workplaces
The winners’ brochure from the 2012 Green Gown Awards, recognising the exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by tertiary education across the UK &...
Frameworks for the purchase of biomass boilers & pellets from Pro5
Presentations from Day 1 (EAUC 13th Annual Conference) workshop sessions.
A presentation by Joanna Simpson from the EAUC 13th Annual Conference 2009.
A presentation by Dr Debbie Watson from the 13th Annual EAUC Conference 2009.
Handbook for faculty workshops on how to introduce cultural commons and ecojustice issues into their courses
Following on from the successful How to run a successful campaign event hosted by Kirsti Norris on 28 June 2012 at Imperial College London, presentation slides from the day
Making biodiesel from waste vegetable oil is an increasingly popular way to reduce fuel bills and cut carbon emissions
The Centre for Bioscience was awarded project funding by the HEA ESD group to produce a series of short information sheets to support bioscience teaching staff with...