BioenergyWM website: provides an overview of bioenergy, a document library, regional case studies, upcoming events and links to further information.
Government provided guides and case studies in response to the publication 'Enabling the Transition to a Green Economy: government and business working together'.
Here is a resource created by Bedford College and LSIS that gives examples of best ways to embed sustainable development into the FE curriculum.
A presentation by Paul Cross, Oxford Brookes University from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 held at the University of York between the 11th - 13th April 2011
Exploration session from EAUC 2011 Conference of the Love Food, Haste Waste campaign and how it works in communities and has engaged the FHE sector
A presentation, following on from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 workshop, explaining how best to create an efficient and effective office workplace.
A video presentation by Ellen MacArthur, keynote for the EAUC Annual Conference 2011.
A presentation which helps you to continue the learning and inspiration from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 held at the University of York between the 11th - 13th April 2011
Two presentations from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011, on enhancing biodiversity and what you can do about it.
A presentation which helps you to continue the learning and inspiration from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 held at the University of York between the 11th - 13th April 2011
Here are a selection of useful links to help you embed Education for Sustainability within your institution.
A presentation from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 on enhancing biodiversity and how you can do it.
The EAUC Annual Conference 2011 Day 1 - keynote address, Sara Parkin Positive deviance: a strategy for our times concerning action for a sustainable world
A presentation from the EAUC annual conference 2011 on sustainable master planning.
A presentation which helps you to continue the learning and inspiration from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 held at the University of York between the 11th - 13th April 2011.
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how Newcastle University are making the commitment to environmental sustainability through a variety of initiatives.
A presentation that offers examples of large-scale community engagement with resources to support you and help determine most the appropriate strategy for your own organisation.
How to engage staff & students in stimulating projects and monitoring schemes that have real meaning and can be used to change building and estates policies to include...
A presentation from the EAUC Annual Conference 2012 which gives you three extensive ideas to engage students with sustainability.
A set of presentations which show how institutions (HE and FE) have implemented and maintained their Carbon Management Plans and how to ensure targets are reached.