A research report from the Learning and Skills Improvement Service on sustainability skills for growth.
A report from the Learning and Skills Improvement Service on springboards to sustainability: a review of stepping up in sustainability 2012-13.
A book for purchase about resilience and how it may be created within the web of ecological, socio-economic and cultural systems that make up the world.
A case study about the Stockton Riverside College which was looking to inform the curriculum by developing new sustainability skills provision in partnership to collaboratively...
A case study and materials from Stockton Riverside College from a project which aimed to engage learners in sustainable activities through developing an exciting Sustainability...
These resources were made available following the Green Academy Change Programme Residential held 30 April - 1 May 2013 in Leeds.
Responses from EAUC Members providing insight on the comparative cost analysis of bottled water coolers/heaters compared to installing mains supplied coolers/heaters
AUDE has published an aide memoire to the preparation of an Estates Strategy for members.
A video produced by AUDE and HEDQF as an exploration of the adaptive re-use of existing buildings by universities both at home and abroad.
Legal update for EAUC Members (June 2013) which includes new CRC order, red tape challenge, climate change levy, industrial emissions directive
This is a d+b facades case study on the design and build of an insulated aluminium rainscreen and replacement windows.
The carbon report from the EAUC annual conference 2013 from data covering energy, waste, water, travel and accommodation.
'Did you know moments' from the 17th EAUC Annual Conference 2013.
A presentation about the Sustainable Development Alliance Learning and Skills (SDALS) from Day 2 of the 17th EAUC Annual Conference 2013.
A presentation about The Hive - a sustainability exemplar building evolving from a groundbreaking partnership to create a fully integrated university and public library.
A case study of Interface and Sunderland University which has undergone a major refurbishment including carpet tiles to create a superior environmental performance.
The key lessons learnt from the HEA's first Green Academy Institutional Change programme and the innovative work being initiated by the participants in the second programme
A presentation about how further education (FE) can share their experiences of incentives/barriers and collectively identify potential solutions
A Presentation from Day 2 of the 17th EAUC Annual Conference 2013 on embedding education for sustainable development in education.
The HEFCE presentation from the EAUC Annual Conference 2013 outlining a new strategy for sustainable development