To achieve sustainable design, material selection, and construction are no different to those required to achieve any other aspect of good design. The process relies on an understanding of the potential environmental issues, to compliment and contextualise what is already known among these professional experts.
Sustainable construction has straightforward aims: to minimise waste on and off site; reuse materials and make use of those reused or recycled; avoid complex components that are difficult to recycle at end of life; and choose construction systems that can be delivered by local operatives by existing or new skill sets.
Design is a holistic process that seeks to create the best solution across a broad range of requirements, which includes social and economic sustainability as well as environmental responsibility. A good designer will always look first at exploiting the opportunities of the site and the client's brief to produce a building which, as far as possible, works passively to minimise energy and resource use. The next step is to incorporate technologies for minimising resource demand that are appropriate to the site, the building occupants’ needs and their capacity to manage and operate them. Also, designing to enable future change of use, easy maintenance, and eventual disassembly and reuse will lengthen the lifespan of a building and minimise its overall impact.
EAUC-Scotland's Sustainable Construction Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
EAUC Member responses with Members’ experience on measurable mandatory tender criteria for building contractors regarding travel to and from university site with respect...
Benchmarks for target setting, a short guide developed by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), provides information on selecting suitable metrics and KPIs; project...
A case study by WRAP which focuses on the recycled content in construction of the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Science of the University of Strathclyde.
CEREc is a unique, teaching, research and demonstration resource for the built environment hosting a number of renewable and intelligent energy solutions.
A briefing document prepared by ECUS Environmental Consultants (October 2011) which discusses the proposed revisions to ISO14001: 2004 Environmental Management Standard.
A research report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs by the Stockholm Environment Institute and the University of Sydney.
This link takes you to the SPP website where you can find the SMART SPP tool and further information.
Achieving Excellence in Construction Procurement Guide in 'Whole-life Costing and Cost Management', published by the Office of Government Commerce in 2007. Link to the...
The UK Government's Sustainable Procurement Action Plan produced by DEFRA in 2007. Incorporating the Government response to the report of the Sustainable Task Force. Part...
This links to asection of the BREEAM website includes case studies on buildings certified to the BREEAM standard.
This section of BRE Group’s website includes a comprehensive list of the sustainability services they offer, such as BREEAM, GreenPrint and SMARTWaste.
GreenBookLive is a unique reference source and online listing of environmental products and services, including a list of BREEAM certified buildings and licensed BREEAM Assessors
BRE Global’s website for BREEAM, a design and assessment method for sustainable buildings.
The Green Deal, of The Energy Act 2011, is a financial mechanism that eliminates paying upfront for energy efficiency improvements to homes, community spaces and businesses.
EAUC Member responses about the sort of evidence that could be requested in pre-tender documentation to establish the sustainability credentials of contractors.
This UCU energy inspection checklist is compiled from a combination of Carbon Trust and Prospect checklists and is designed to assess the energy use in your building via an...
A guide from AUDE to assist in making the replace or refurbish decision.
Examples of carbon reduction strategies, plans and initiatives from a number of universities.
This document aims to help public bodies access potential sources of energy efficiency and renewable energy finance and to assess the costs, risks and benefits of doing this.
Salix has worked with 725 clients across the public sector, including local authorities, central government, schools, universities and colleges and NHS trusts.