Mobilising the potential of your staff teams gains successfully outcomes for implementing the college or university policies. Equally, individual staff members should be recognised as the innovators and change agents central to your institutional activities. By maximising the formal opportunities offered by HR, as well as encouraging a general, broader engagement by staff your institution can truly achieve sustainable development.
EAUC-Scotland's Community Engagement Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
A selection of walking tours around University College Cork's main and satellite campuses, highlighting the environmental, ecological and sustainable features of the...
The University of Winchester Sustainable Transport Initiatives.
The University of Winchester Staff Travel and Transport Guide 2016/17.
Greenwich’s recipe for success Our initiative uses the collaborative potential of all those with a relationship with food to ensure Greenwich can deliver the most...
Encouraging sustainability through hospitality: the Chester way How to engage staff, students and visitors with environmental and sustainability agendas through hospitality?...
‘c-change’ is in the air! The University of Brighton has been addressing sustainability across the institution for over 6 years, which was reflected in the...
UL Smarter Travel This project aims to open people’s eyes to alternatives to single-occupancy driving. The University of Limerick (UL) Smarter Travel has implemented a...
Carbon vision 2020 In 2010 the Field Studies Council set its vision for 2020 and with the need to reduce carbon emissions a target was set to reduce our carbon emissions by...
The Newcastle University Sustainability Resource Guide is a collaboration between Newcastle University Library and the Institute for Sustainability. The Guide brings together...
AECOM, in partnership with the EAUC, delivered this webinar looking at how higher and further education organisations can integrate their findings from climate change risk...
The stakeholder engagement tool provides organisations with two ways of improving their stakeholder engagement practices.
NUS are building their work surrounding the SDGs, seeing them as a useful way of supporting and enhancing their work on freedom of access to education (quality, affordable...
This workshop presentation is from the “Learning and Legacy: The Role of Education in Creating Healthier and Happier Cities” EAUC Annual Conference 2016 and falls...
Bring a new sustainability engagement programme into your halls of residence!
This Prezi gives an overview of the University of Gloucestershire's approach to sustainability, highlighting key initiatives and achievements across student experience,...
See what Edge Hill University did to engage staff and students for Fairtrade Fortnight 2016.
Case studies from Ireland using EcoCampus
The Brief CHANGE AGENTS UK and the National Union of Students (NUS), working with other stakeholders, delivered the DEFRA funded Degrees Cooler Project to foster pro...
UEL has recently increased its focus on sustainability, including change agents in its Facilities Environment Team to help reduce the institution's carbon footprint and...
Transition University of West Scotland is a 10 month project driven by 5 change agents for the Student Association (SAUWS) to deliver environmental projects for staff and...