Both the private and public sectors, including the university and college sector have a legal and social responsibility to promote and protect human health and the environment by safely, responsibly and efficiently managing and reducing waste and maximising waste reuse, recycling and resource generation opportunities.
As large organisations that manage staff, student, visitor and supplier waste, institutions must contend with a host of operational matters. Common concerns today include the increasing costs of disposal charges and landfill taxes, and the potential to adhere to Scope 3 guidelines on carbon emissions relating to estates.
To connect with like-minded sector experts on the topic of waste, join the EAUC's Waste Community of Practice. This group is for EAUC members only.
EAUC-Scotland's Waste Management Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
A case study of when the school asked EMSc to demonstrate why the Powerstar voltage optimisation should be chosen to help improve their energy efficiency.
A case study from a Green Gown Award winner about the Carbon Challenge scheme which has achieved significant savings to the university during its two years of operation.
'Did you know moments' from the 17th EAUC Annual Conference 2013.
Outputs from a meeting about the RICS Ska Rating scheme which S-Lab helped to organise on behalf of the AUDE Sustainability Group. It contains; a summary of the workshop content...
A case study of Interface and Sunderland University which has undergone a major refurbishment including carpet tiles to create a superior environmental performance.
Eat your campus - a project to develop Loughborough University as an edible landscape as a presentation from Day 2 of the 17th EAUC Annual Conference 2013.
Biodiversity is the one area that has often been left out of the spotlight in sustainability plans. The SEED project has changed this with the creation of a new, interactive...
A presentation with two case studies about how to influence energy saving behaviour without significant capital investment.
Presentations from the EAUC annual conference 2013 on sustainable buildings and reducing carbon in heritage buildings.
Wrap have launched a series of sustainable procurement e-learning modules which are free to use by registering.
This short webinar discusses why energy management is becoming a necessity in this era of rising energy costs.
At the University of Sheffield, an innovative new approach to estate management has unlocked funding for a major £3.8 million investment programme that will deliver direct...
Details of the NUS HQ, a demonstrator of an eco-office with a range of pioneering sustainability initiatives, including a pay as you go light scheme.
'Fast Fashion’ refers to clothing and accessories that are designed to reflect current industry trends, yet produced using less expensive materials to ensure a low...
Dawn White, Environmental Officer, City University London emailed Members asking about advice about the merits of switching off versus leaving on in stand-by mode.
EAUC Member responses about schemes to reuse and recycle material left by students who move out of halls at the end of the academic year.
Late 2009, Engineers without Borders, a student engineering society in the University of Warwick, sought support from the university Estates Office for a 1kW wind turbine project.
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how University of St Andrews embed sustainability, specifically data centres and energy management, into the 600 year old research intensive...
Oakhurst Primary School in Swindon has worked closely Interface, the leading manufacturer of sustainable and innovative modular flooring, to kit out its brand new school...
Brunel University in Uxbridge recently unveiled its new look library, courtesy of leading global flooring company Interface. The company’s products were used in the 8,500...