Both the private and public sectors, including the university and college sector have a legal and social responsibility to promote and protect human health and the environment by safely, responsibly and efficiently managing and reducing waste and maximising waste reuse, recycling and resource generation opportunities.
As large organisations that manage staff, student, visitor and supplier waste, institutions must contend with a host of operational matters. Common concerns today include the increasing costs of disposal charges and landfill taxes, and the potential to adhere to Scope 3 guidelines on carbon emissions relating to estates.
To connect with like-minded sector experts on the topic of waste, join the EAUC's Waste Community of Practice. This group is for EAUC members only.
EAUC-Scotland's Waste Management Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
A book for purchase about resilience and how it may be created within the web of ecological, socio-economic and cultural systems that make up the world.
A presentation by David Somervell, Sustainability Adviser The University of Edinburgh about Sustainable Estate Development.
EAUC Member responses about the various legal update providers
A video overview of how The University of Manchester recycles printer toner cartridges.
EAUC Member responses from a question about experiences of managing halls waste and communicating instructions to students, including international students.
A case study from Sussex Downs College where an online learning tool was developed (SustainIT) to minimise carbon footprint.
A case study from South Staffordshire College about their project which extended carbon reduction/energy saving activities across all campuses.
The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) highlights the fact that education is central to UNEP’s mandate of “inspiring,...
A case study from Liverpool John Moores about how Ricoh has transformed its document and print management services.
Responses from EAUC Members providing insight on the comparative cost analysis of bottled water coolers/heaters compared to installing mains supplied coolers/heaters
AUDE has published an aide memoire to the preparation of an Estates Strategy for members.
A video produced by AUDE and HEDQF as an exploration of the adaptive re-use of existing buildings by universities both at home and abroad.
Legal update for EAUC Members (June 2013) which includes new CRC order, red tape challenge, climate change levy, industrial emissions directive
Harper Adams University has launched an innovative solution to collecting materials for recycling at its Shropshire based campus.
The carbon report from the EAUC annual conference 2013 from data covering energy, waste, water, travel and accommodation.
A report from NUS and SITA UK aiming to improve our understanding of student attitudes and behaviours to waste and recycling, what motivates them and what barriers they are...
A report which demonstrates the total carbon emissions from the EAUC Annual Conference 2013 including emissions from energy, water, waste, accommodation, and travel.
Summary and resources from the joint procurement and waste topic support network Monday 22 April 2013, hosted by University of Edinburgh There was a great buzz about the...
A case study of when the College asked EMSc to demonstrate why the Powerstar voltage optimisation should be chosen to help improve their energy efficiency.
A case study of when the University asked EMSc to demonstrate why the Powerstar voltage optimisation should be chosen to help improve their energy efficiency.