Both the private and public sectors, including the university and college sector have a legal and social responsibility to promote and protect human health and the environment by safely, responsibly and efficiently managing and reducing waste and maximising waste reuse, recycling and resource generation opportunities.
As large organisations that manage staff, student, visitor and supplier waste, institutions must contend with a host of operational matters. Common concerns today include the increasing costs of disposal charges and landfill taxes, and the potential to adhere to Scope 3 guidelines on carbon emissions relating to estates.
To connect with like-minded sector experts on the topic of waste, join the EAUC's Waste Community of Practice. This group is for EAUC members only.
EAUC-Scotland's Waste Management Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
Collaborating on a Net Zero pathway
Change Possible: Action for a zero carbon UCL by 2030
A whole university approach to carbon reduction
Road to Zero at Aston University
Lifting the lid higher - Changing student attitudes and behaviours towards recycling and waste
World Environment Day 2020
For this session we heard from Anya Doherty at Foodsteps about calculating carbon foot prints for food and catering outlets and Bekki Laycock on community gardens and NUS...
Addressing Marine Plastics - A systemic Approach – Recommendations for Actions
Policy Lab was created to help bridge the gap between patients and drugs aimed at curing diseases.
Aston University - Ethical Investment Policy
Carbon Offset Strategy - University of Tasmania
Wrap - The UK Plastics Pact report 2018/19
Developing students' energy literacy in Higher Education
The Salix ‘Love our Colleges’ webinar is aiming to support colleges in England and Wales with their energy efficiency projects, resulting in a wide range of benefits...
'Our Sustainable Food Journey’, a report on the University of Cambridge’s Sustainable Food Policy, in particular quantifying the impact this has had since its...
Enhancing the benefits of trees on Campus - University of Leeds
Killer air: Improving the world though low-cost air quality monitoring
The session took delegates through how to secure long term energy cost security from generation sources producing carbon free energy. It looked at the volume, term, legal...
Through a case study of Circular Economy office furniture, this workshop showed how disruptive sustainable business models are saving Institutions money, reducing their...
University of London - Zero Carbon Estates Handbook