MAMP investigates the opportunities to improve ‘resource efficiency’ from a range of angles such as cost, waste and carbon and how FM service providers can benefit...
This toolkit provides information, guidance and templates to assist you with realising cost and material savings by improving the resource efficiency of your FM services
Over December 2014 the EAUC created a series of resources to inspire and keep sustainability at the forefront of everyone’s minds during the festive season.
The redevelopment of Durham University Business School produced an eye-catching facility which successfully enhanced the student experience and transformed the working lives of...
Accommodation and Hospitality Services within Newcastle University have developed links with charities within the local community resulting in our campaign THE BIG CLEAR OUT!
Outstanding progress in reducing staff single person car commuter journeys from 40% to 16.5% has been achieved at Newcastle through consistent university wide effort over a decade
The NUS/HEA survey has found that 80% of students believe that sustainable development should be actively promoted and incorporated by UK universities
By following the below link, you will be able to find out information about ReEntry, the service delivered by Interface to ensure their products have another life beyond their use.
Mission Zero is Interface's aim to be fully sustainable by 2020. This resource gives you access to the infographic, the "What If" report and the video "There...
UCU fact file: the reasons for eliminating bottled water from the university, written by Richard Payne (UCU Environment Officer)
Meeting the Low Carbon Skills Challenge - a response from the UCU
A selection of guidance documents from the UCU on ESD and energy management
UCU has been involved in the production 2 x 5 minutes videos that illustrate the award winning work we have been doing in SW London
A presentation by Jo Matthews from the EAUC 13th Annual Conference 2009.
A presentation by Mike Barry from the EAUC 13th Annual Conference 2009.
A presentation by Jonathan Porrit from the EAUC 13th Annual Conference 2009.
A presentation by David Beards from the 13th Annual EAUC Conference 2009.
A presentation by Melanie Hunt from the 13th Annual EAUC Conference 2009.
This European TUC guide provides advice on good practice from trade union activists across the EU on how to get going on greening their workplaces.
A video created as a snapshot of the EAUC Annual Conference 2014 at Nottingham Trent University.