Today's environmental challenges impact our social and political world. With the future journey in mind, it is vital that graduates are equipped with the expertise and experience to guarantee their positive contribution to sustainable development. The important role of universities and colleges in shaping a young person's early career outcomes can be used to empower their students to take on employment opportunities with confidence, and begin to shape the sector thereafter.
If you would like to connect with other professionals interested in this area of sustainability, join SHED - the leading cross sector Community of Practice in the UK for Education for Sustainability (EfS). This group is open to all.
EAUC-Scotland has two Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Networks (TSNs) which are open to all, one for further and one for higher education. Each provide an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
This guide is one of a series designed to help UCU members engage with their institution on the ‘green agenda’. This is an area that is extremely important and it is...
This UNESCO web-site provides a multimedia teacher education programme which contains professional development material for use in pre-service teacher courses.
A EAUC Member only resource which provides a 20 minute 'introduction to sustainability' elearning module to use as an engagement tool.
EAUC Member, Wiltshire College, is a large General Further Education College in the South West region. It has a commitment to Sustainable Development and has been working to...
Video, presentation and notes from a workshop session about Changing values to create a sustainable culture from the 2012 EAUC Conference.