Today's environmental challenges impact our social and political world. With the future journey in mind, it is vital that graduates are equipped with the expertise and experience to guarantee their positive contribution to sustainable development. The important role of universities and colleges in shaping a young person's early career outcomes can be used to empower their students to take on employment opportunities with confidence, and begin to shape the sector thereafter.
If you would like to connect with other professionals interested in this area of sustainability, join SHED - the leading cross sector Community of Practice in the UK for Education for Sustainability (EfS). This group is open to all.
EAUC-Scotland has two Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Networks (TSNs) which are open to all, one for further and one for higher education. Each provide an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
Handbook for faculty workshops on how to introduce cultural commons and ecojustice issues into their courses
Following on from the successful How to run a successful campaign event hosted by Kirsti Norris on 28 June 2012 at Imperial College London, presentation slides from the day
Making biodiesel from waste vegetable oil is an increasingly popular way to reduce fuel bills and cut carbon emissions
The Centre for Bioscience was awarded project funding by the HEA ESD group to produce a series of short information sheets to support bioscience teaching staff with...
A resource list on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) from Geography, Earth and Environmental Science (GEES) Subject Centre
Guardian article from 28 May 2012 on how online games can help to encourage sustainable behaviour by appealing to people's desire for competition
This fascinating website contains many useful tips and suggestions on how to recycle just about anything, from hanging files to plastic dustbins, and even old weather balloons!
This pamphlet is a practical guide to show public procurers how they can help address social concerns in what they buy and in their expectations of suppliers
This book contains the papers presented at the 1st European Conference on Education for Sustainable Development held in Greece, from 5 - 7 October 2007
The winners' brochure from the 2010 Green Gown Awards.
In October 2010 Northern Ireland’s South Eastern Regional College (SERC) opened a brand new Environmental Skills Centre on its refurbished and extended Ards Campus.
The One Planet MBA is a unique programme designed to develop a new generation of managers and leaders who will transform businesses and deliver more sustainable strategies.
Green Gown Awards 2009 - winners' brochure from the annual awards, recognising excellence in sustainability within the further and higher education sector
In their 6th year the Awards recognised the exceptional initiatives being undertaken by higher and further education institutions across the UK to become more sustainable
With 240 applications in 2011, 25% up from 2010, the Green Gown Awards are firmly established as prestigious recognition of sustainability excellence in tertiary education.
Case studies from the winner and highly commended for the Colleges category from the 06/07 Green Gown Awards
Green Gown Awards 2007-8 - winners brochure from the annual awards, recognising excellence in sustainability within the further and higher education sector
Case studies from the Winner and Highly Commended for the Course Content category from the 06/07 Green Gown Awards
Green Gown Awards 2006-7 - winners' brochure from the annual awards, recognising excellence in sustainability within the further and higher education sector
The winners' brochure from the 2005-2006 Green Gown Awards