Thanks to funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), the Sustainability Exchange was born. This has lead to a wealth of information becoming stored on this site, for those working on FE and HE sustainability in England.
Despite the funded period ending, the EAUC is committed to continuing the Sustainability Exchange, maintaining its relevance to the sector and wider conversations and activities related to climate adaptation, resilience, and management.
These new and exciting relationships are designed to put sustainability at the forefront of tertiary education in England, with the necessary tools and inspiration. Across the English regions, the continue to promote sustainability in tertiary education.
Here are template documents from University of East London, to support to 2012 Conference workshop, “The road to excellent operations is paved with internal environmental...
Here are template documents from King’s College London, to support to 2012 Conference workshop, “The road to excellent operations is paved with internal...
This is a job description and person specification for the role of Environmental and Sustainability Manager at Cambridge Regional College, created in October 2010.
This resource takes you to the intranet pages of the University of Birmingham in which they explain the environment and sustainability strategies and policies in place.
Here is an example of how Anglia Ruskin University have expanded and developed interesting opportunities for employability amongst their students.
View guidance on the Energy Saving Trust's website on how selecting the best energy saving computing equipment can save you money.
The job description and person specification for the role of Energy and Environment Manager at the University of East London (UEL).
The job description for the role of Energy and Environment Manager at City University London, created in January 2010.
BioenergyWM website: provides an overview of bioenergy, a document library, regional case studies, upcoming events and links to further information.
University of Bristol have provided an Energy & Water Checklist that can be adapted and implemented in a HE or FE institution.
Government provided guides and case studies in response to the publication 'Enabling the Transition to a Green Economy: government and business working together'.
Here is a resource created by Bedford College and LSIS that gives examples of best ways to embed sustainable development into the FE curriculum.
A presentation by Paul Cross, Oxford Brookes University from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 held at the University of York between the 11th - 13th April 2011
Exploration session from EAUC 2011 Conference of the Love Food, Haste Waste campaign and how it works in communities and has engaged the FHE sector
A presentation, following on from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 workshop, explaining how best to create an efficient and effective office workplace.
A video presentation by Ellen MacArthur, keynote for the EAUC Annual Conference 2011.
A presentation which helps you to continue the learning and inspiration from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 held at the University of York between the 11th - 13th April 2011
Two presentations from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011, on enhancing biodiversity and what you can do about it.
A presentation which helps you to continue the learning and inspiration from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 held at the University of York between the 11th - 13th April 2011
This is a video of a presentation from the Day 2 Keynote Address at the 2011 Annual Conference from Martin Hulme, Managing Director, Co-operative Estates.