Thanks to funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), the Sustainability Exchange was born. This has lead to a wealth of information becoming stored on this site, for those working on FE and HE sustainability in England.
Despite the funded period ending, the EAUC is committed to continuing the Sustainability Exchange, maintaining its relevance to the sector and wider conversations and activities related to climate adaptation, resilience, and management.
These new and exciting relationships are designed to put sustainability at the forefront of tertiary education in England, with the necessary tools and inspiration. Across the English regions, the continue to promote sustainability in tertiary education.
The Sustainable Futures Course is an innovative approach to teaching sustainability to ‘hard’ scientists consisting of 4 5-credit modules, each of which contains 4...
NTU’s Student Eco Video project is a work-based learning initiative enabling undergraduates & staff to engage with & promote the university’s commitment to...
Establishing institution-wide commitment to sustainability in the curriculum is one of the hardest but most important strategic issues to address.
Frameworks for the purchase of biomass boilers & pellets from Pro5
Here are 7 steps to embedding sustainability in your teaching.
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is an increasingly important feature of Higher Education which poses new challenges for teaching and learning. Recent Plymouth...
In this EAUC Member Spotlight find out about the great work that Oxfam Collect do in working with others to overcome poverty and suffering.
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how Lucideon are the leading provider of sustainability assurance and management systems certification and training.
Presentations from Day 1 (EAUC 13th Annual Conference) workshop sessions.
A presentation by Joanna Simpson from the EAUC 13th Annual Conference 2009.
A presentation by Dr Debbie Watson from the 13th Annual EAUC Conference 2009.
This reuse implementation guide has been compiled as part of the HEFCE funded project “Moving Towards Zero-Waste”. The aim of the project was to work with HEIs in...
Handbook for faculty workshops on how to introduce cultural commons and ecojustice issues into their courses
Following on from the successful How to run a successful campaign event hosted by Kirsti Norris on 28 June 2012 at Imperial College London, presentation slides from the day
Making biodiesel from waste vegetable oil is an increasingly popular way to reduce fuel bills and cut carbon emissions
The Centre for Bioscience was awarded project funding by the HEA ESD group to produce a series of short information sheets to support bioscience teaching staff with...
A paper which aims to assist senior managers deal with initiatives intended to reduce energy usage, carbon emissions, and other environmental impacts in universities and colleges
A resource list on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) from Geography, Earth and Environmental Science (GEES) Subject Centre
Guardian article from 28 May 2012 on how online games can help to encourage sustainable behaviour by appealing to people's desire for competition
This pamphlet is a practical guide to show public procurers how they can help address social concerns in what they buy and in their expectations of suppliers