Thanks to funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), the Sustainability Exchange was born. This has lead to a wealth of information becoming stored on this site, for those working on FE and HE sustainability in England.
Despite the funded period ending, the EAUC is committed to continuing the Sustainability Exchange, maintaining its relevance to the sector and wider conversations and activities related to climate adaptation, resilience, and management.
These new and exciting relationships are designed to put sustainability at the forefront of tertiary education in England, with the necessary tools and inspiration. Across the English regions, the continue to promote sustainability in tertiary education.
Between 2010 and 2013, LSIS has provided grants to support 63 projects which aim to develop, embed and disseminate effective approaches to sustainable development. Each of...
A case study based on an LSIS project from Blackpool and the Fylde College based on an LSIS project about Student Entitlement to Education for Sustainable Development.
A case study exploring how Bedford College built its capacity embed sustainability into all its functions, at all levels, by securing commitment and engagement from all senior...
LSIS project case study from North Warwickshire and Hinckley College of an interactive e-learning training tool, for promoting and embedding effective practice in sustainability.
A case study of New College Stamford stepping up in sustainability project.
Gateway College’s LSIS funded project aimed to get teaching staff and young people involved with enterprise and sustainability in a fun and engaging way
A case study from Nottingham Trent University's Environment Team about their journey to achieve Catering Mark standards.
A case study from an LSIS funded project at City College Coventry where a low-cost, high-value video guide to learning for sustainability was produced.
A case study exploring how Cambridge Regional College developed and embedded learning material relating to sustainability within Academies.
A zip-file of resources from Enfield Adult Education Services, including case studies and resources about the Stepping up in Sustainability project.
A case study from an LSIS funded project called Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change which focused on embedding a sustainable development ethos within learning delivery,...
These resources were made available following the Green Academy Change Programme Residential held 30 April - 1 May 2013 in Leeds.
In this resource you can download and view the job description and person specification for Nottingham Trent University's Environmental Assistant, June 2013.
Responses from EAUC Members providing insight on the comparative cost analysis of bottled water coolers/heaters compared to installing mains supplied coolers/heaters
AUDE has published an aide memoire to the preparation of an Estates Strategy for members.
A video produced by AUDE and HEDQF as an exploration of the adaptive re-use of existing buildings by universities both at home and abroad.
Legal update for EAUC Members (June 2013) which includes new CRC order, red tape challenge, climate change levy, industrial emissions directive
This is a d+b facades case study on the design and build of an insulated aluminium rainscreen and replacement windows.
This case study demonstrates how d+b facades insulated aluminium overcladding and replacement windows to two two-storey buildings with projecting bays to the upper floor.
This case study demonstrates how d+b facades provided an alternative, under bugdet, approach to giving Annex's location a 'hybrid' aluminum rainscreen,...