Thanks to funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), the Sustainability Exchange was born. This has lead to a wealth of information becoming stored on this site, for those working on FE and HE sustainability in England.
Despite the funded period ending, the EAUC is committed to continuing the Sustainability Exchange, maintaining its relevance to the sector and wider conversations and activities related to climate adaptation, resilience, and management.
These new and exciting relationships are designed to put sustainability at the forefront of tertiary education in England, with the necessary tools and inspiration. Across the English regions, the continue to promote sustainability in tertiary education.
Blog post for the Just World Institute blog asking the all important question of, what can we do as procurers of goods to prevent future factory disasters in developing countries?
Liz Cooper, convenor of the EAUC Fair Trade Community of Practice questions to what extent is SRI driven by genuine social and environmental concerns
Topical information for managers and others in audit, estates, finance and administration in higher education institutions
A case study with the Carbon Trust and Salford City College which demonstrates how they embedded carbon management into their organisation and developed a carbon management plan.
This case study demonstrates how d+b facades provided Imperial College London with aluminium rainscreen overcladding and high-performance replacement windows.
Legal update for EAUC Members (September 2013) which includes Climate Change Levy CHP, updates to guidance on Hazardous Waste Management, updated pollution prevention guidance,...
A case study with the Carbon Trust and Gloucestershire College demonstrating hoe they've been working to reduce its usage of electricity and gas.
Here is an explanation of The Carbon Trust's independent service to help public bodies understand the benefits of generating 'off-grid' energy.
Read more about how the Carbon Trust helped University of Cambridge make huge savings on costs and carbon.
Case study of the University of Manchester, reducing their waste and carbon footprint by introducing “Bin the Bin” schemes to encourage reuse and recycling.
Global market leader of sustainable flooring solutions, Interface, has helped the School of Management at Bradford University gain a BREEAM ‘excellent’ rating...
Fair trade Community of Practice convenor, Liz Cooper, sent out a survey to the group's members requesting their thoughts on fair trade in our institutions
This guide explains how you can assess the sustainability of different products and the companies that make them. And it outlines the right questions to ask manufacturers in...
An area of Interface Biosfera carpet tiles were used to create a separate space in the main Conference exhibition room. This area covered 5 meters by 4 meters with a variety of...
The Revolving Green Fund provides recoverable grants to institutions for projects investing in energy-efficiency and low-carbon technologies to reduce their carbon emissions
A report from the Learning and Skills Improvement Service on embedding sustainability into teaching, learning and the curriculum in the learning and skills sector.
A research report from the Learning and Skills Improvement Service on sustainability skills for growth.
A report from the Learning and Skills Improvement Service on springboards to sustainability: a review of stepping up in sustainability 2012-13.
A book for purchase about resilience and how it may be created within the web of ecological, socio-economic and cultural systems that make up the world.
A case study from Otley College, linking employability and sustainability to enhance educational outcomes for students and promote Education for Sustainability.