Universities and colleges are increasingly seen as vital players in the growth and innovation for climate adaptation. Engagement with wider society and, in particular, business and industry is often central to these activities, which can become a new revenue stream. Also, the nature of relationships between business, industry and institutions is an good measure of social responsibility, to the extent which all parties are committed to benefitting wider society.
A presentation from the 2013 Conference about how the tertiary education sector in South London is integrating community work experience placements and outreach work into the...
Wrap have launched a series of sustainable procurement e-learning modules which are free to use by registering.
At the University of Sheffield, an innovative new approach to estate management has unlocked funding for a major £3.8 million investment programme that will deliver direct...
Details of the NUS HQ, a demonstrator of an eco-office with a range of pioneering sustainability initiatives, including a pay as you go light scheme.
'Fast Fashion’ refers to clothing and accessories that are designed to reflect current industry trends, yet produced using less expensive materials to ensure a low...
The Art of Green Jujitsu is a video that was made to promote the message to "ditch the eco-cliches and put yourself in your colleagues' shoes."
The nationwide adoption of "carbon reduction commitments" by universities and colleges is exciting! Many are making a real effort to reduce energy consumption in...
TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute (NSI) made a commitment in 2011 to embed education for sustainability (EfS) into all education and training programs by 2013.
From 2007 we’ve operated a very successful and holistic programme of waste minimisation projects using all of the elements of the waste hierarchy.
The University of the West of Scotland and SRUC staff and students enjoy superior facilities made possible through successful collaboration resulting in the creation of BREEAM...
The University of Cumbria operates from several geographically dispersed sites, the main ones being 70 miles apart. Approximately 70% of our students attend placements as part...
Since its formation in 2009, Walsall Adult and Community College (WACC) has embedded sustainability into Leadership and Governance, Estates, Teaching and Learning and...
Derbyshire Eco Centre is the county hub for education for sustainable development (ESD). It is at the heart of Derbyshire County Council's (DCC's) drive to combat...
Future Factory provides comprehensive support to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the East Midlands region to improve both sustainability and business strength.
In this EAUC Member Spotlight find out about the great work that Oxfam Collect do in working with others to overcome poverty and suffering.
A presentation by Joanna Simpson from the EAUC 13th Annual Conference 2009.
Workshop sessions which help you continue the learning and inspiration from the 14th EAUC Annual Conference 2010 held at Bangor University between the 22nd March - 24th...
A two page document about vegetables - one of the 14 key commodity/service areas chosen to cover the main areas of procurement relevant to poverty issues.
A two page document about timber - one of the 14 key commodity/service areas chosen to cover the main areas of procurement relevant to poverty issues.
A two page document about steel - one of the 14 key commodity/service areas chosen to cover the main areas of procurement relevant to poverty issues.