In response to growing ethical concerns, the construction industry is rightly being called upon to take a stand and articulate its position on ethical sourcing. Coming up with...
This presentation on 'Delivering Sustainability through Procurement' was given as an afternoon workshop at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2015 by Stephen Connor,...
Jack Connors, Sustainability Projects Officer, University of London emailed the Members’ network asking, “We are moving to a centralised printing set-up and we...
Learn about how InnuScience has established itself in the UK and how it is making cleaning products greener and more affordable.
SEPA and Zero Waste Scotland's guidance document on procuring waste services for public bodies and their contractors, with a focus on preventing waste-associated crime.
For Wirral Council, one of the biggest benefits of buying school meal ingredients through TUCO is the time it frees up for catering and Procurement staff.
Denbighshire Council has saved an average of 8% on school meals, keeping costs low and supplier standards high.
Conwy Council’s education catering team uses TUCO to boost supplier standards and guarantee EU compliance. But the cashable savings have also stacked up with whole basket...
Halton Council’s schools catering service has saved up to 21% on many different contracts. They now have increased buying power, higher supplier standards and staff have...
Lancaster University’s in-house food operation has gone from making a loss to generating a healthy profit, in just three years.
Aberystwyth University is one of only a handful of universities in the UK where 30 – 40% of food spend in the University’s cafes and outlets is either sourced locally or...
EAUC Member responses to suggestions or recommendations regarding sustainable bag suppliers that are better than the standard photodegradable polyethylene.
Universities Scotland's 2015 report on the valuable efficiencies that Scottish universities have found.
North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium (NEUPC) member Durham University has engaged in innovative research to meet its CSR goals, support the environment and achieve...
Newcastle University's Travel and Expenses Policy is led by Procurement and is filtered down to staff through management. The University is hopeful to see an improvement...
Fair Trade Policy and Fair Trade Steering Group Terms of Reference from Bournemouth University
Late Starter, Fast Runner – Collaborate to Innovate From catch up to innovation, UC may be a late starter, but has proved to be a fast runner in procuring a sustainable...
Print Procurement for a Sustainable Future Print Procurement for a Sustainable Future” has transformed the way the organisation prints, copies and faxes using smart...
Download a pdf of the guide, which folds to credit-card size, so that you can see for yourself the type of information or advice contained in it
Students and staff working together to deliver a common goal: raising awareness of Fair Trade as a tangible example of sustainability in practice.