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A brief guide for UK colleges and universities giving an overview and signposting to resources on behaviour change and energy management measures to reduce energy usage.
energy | university | college | behaviour change | energy efficiency | guidance | energy management | energy saving | cost reduction | FHE | psychology | energy reduction | behavioural change | save money | saving energy | energy behaviour | energy guide | signpost | energy crisis | energy saving guide
Wrap: Increasing citizen participation in reuse and refill systems
behaviour change | wrap | plastics | UK Plastics Pact | food waste prevention
The EAUC-Scotland Travel and Transport Topic Support Network met on the 31st May 2022 to discuss how universities and colleges can encourage students, staff and visitors to move...
behaviour change | travel | Travel and Transport
Web Page
Love Food Hate Waste: Always On themes
Student Engagement | behaviour change | wrap | communication | food waste | love food hate waste
Web Page
Love Food Hate Waste - brought to you by WRAP
waste | engagement | food | students | behaviour change | wrap | waste reduction
EAUC-Scotland virtual 'Sustainability Sharing Series' September 2019 edition discussed Reducing paper waste and consumption. We have produced a best...
waste | behaviour change | Sharing Series | paper | printing
War on Waste is a bespoke engagement project in a discrete building testing impact on recycling and contamination rates and influencing reduction of waste at source by staff.
waste | engagement | recycling | behaviour change | 2019 | influence2019 | waste management | influence | hunt | war | conamination | shields | nik | jo
Many attempts have been made to influence behaviour in a positive way e.g. recycling correctly, using design-thinking, participatory design, and choice architecture. However,...
university | behaviour change | change | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | behaviour | Warwick | Nudgeathon | participatory design | nudge | Chapman | Alina | Udall | David
EAUC-Scotland's virtual 'Sustainability Sharing Series' February 2019 edition discussed behaviour change methods and measuring. We have produced a best...
behaviour change | Sharing Series | Zero Waste Scotland | Measuring Behaviour Change
EAUC-Scotland's virtual 'Sustainability Sharing Series' October 2018 edition discussed Influencing Sustainable Food Choices. We have produced a best...
behaviour change | Sharing Series | sustainable food | Catering and Sustainability | Influencing Sustainable Food Choices | Plant-based
The EAUC-Scotland 2018 Conference, A Decade of Progress, celebrated successes from the decade past, and visioned the decade ahead, to coincide with the EAUC-Scotland...
behaviour change | University of St Andrews | EAUCS2018 | Decade Highlight | Transition University | Transition USTA
Looking to engage with your Finance Department on sustainability? Find more information through the Sustainability Engagement Guide
Student Engagement | behaviour change | travel | reporting | adaptation | staff engagement | economy | risk | ethical investment | whole institutional approach | Business Travel | green business | : finance
Looking to engage with your Human Resources Department on sustainability? Find more information through the Sustainability Engagement Guide
Student Engagement | strategy | behaviour change | policy | staff | skills | training | employability | staff engagement | wellbeing | whole institutional approach | HR | human resources | induction
Looking to engage with your Information Technology Department on sustainability? Find more information through the Sustainability Engagement Guide
Student Engagement | engagement | procurement | behaviour change | ICT | reuse | energy efficiency | Sustainable ICT | it | staff engagement | social responsibility | whole institutional approach | Electronic | information technology
Looking to engage with your Marketing Department on sustainability? Find more information through the Sustainability Engagement Guide
Student Engagement | behaviour change | reporting | staff engagement | wellbeing | communications | whole institutional approach | promotion | marketing
Love to Ride UniCycle Pilot
Getting more students & staff riding by understanding behaviour change
Partnership with NUS and the EAUC
Department for...
behaviour change | cycling | sustainable travel | Love to Ride | Unicycle
This event took place on 28th November 2017. The full resource, including full recording, is available on the Sustainability Exchange.
Join Michael Lenaghan from Zero Waste...
behaviour change | waste management | Zero Waste Scotland | keepcup | Coffee Cup Waste Minimisation | Coffee Cup | student union | waste streams | Waste contamination | Return Deposit Scheme
On the 28th November 2017 EAUC-Scotland hosted a webinar exploring the disposable cup challenge. This was held with contributions from Michael Lenaghan, Environmental Analyst at...
behaviour change | reuse | waste management | webinar | Zero Waste Scotland | recycle | EAUC-Scotland | keepcup | Single Use plastics | Vegware | EAUC-S | Coffee Cup Waste Minimisation | Coffee Cup | Disposables | waste stream | Compostable single use items | Single-use | Wouter Poortinga | Plastic Bag Charge | Michael Lenaghan | Environmental Psychology | Keep the Cup
EAUC-Scotland's 'Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series' October edition discussed Minimising Single Use Cup Waste. We have produced this best practice...
waste | engagement | behaviour change | catering | waste management | recycle | Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series | resource efficiency | Single Use plastics | promotion | Vegware | PSBSS | Keep Cup | Recyle | Waste contamination | Compostable single use items | Recyling habits
Web Page
Resource Efficient Scotland held a lighting workshop focussing on how to save energy and money on lighting. There was a detailed presentation which is available to download...
guide | carbon reduction | behaviour change | lighting | heating | resource efficiency | Resource Efficient Scotland | Sustainable Heating | Lighting costs | Green Champion Training | Space Heating | Sustainable Lighting | Top-down Approach | Switch-off | Cost Cutting | Lightring control stratagies | Bottom-Up Approach | Low Carbon Behavior | Legal Drivers | Green Teams | Natural Light