One year ago, the University of Chester became the founding member of the DoNation’s “Do Good for Uni programme”; getting students and staff pledging simple,...
Since October 2013 the Students Union and the University of Central Lancashire have collaboratively run a range of innovative student engagement initiatives that have seen...
Diana has grown up in what is classed as one of the most deprived areas of Greater Manchester and understands firsthand the lack of opportunities and community based activities
Designed to tackle poor energy efficiency in student housing, the project offers students a range of interventions and incentives to help them to develop appropriate energy...
SmartSpaces is a unique approach to displaying complex utility consumption data in a way which is fun, engaging and simple to understand.
Students’ Green Unit: Students shaping sustainability through behavioural change The Students’ Green Unit bridges the gap between student action and academic...
In 2014, the University of Nottingham offered its first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) called ‘Sustainability, Society and You’
Bournemouth University’s Carbon Management Plan is a comprehensive programme of works aiming to meet the challenging 2015/16 target of a 30% reduction in absolute...
In April 2012, University of Southampton completed the first ever campus-wide energy audit, with 255 students and staff auditing and switching off all unnecessary office...
New Life for Old Pants is a successful textile waste reduction and recycling programme at the University of Salford.
A presentation about behaviour change in practice covering outputs, outcomes and future opportunities including degrees cooler, green impact and two case studies
A presentation about encouraging behaviour change for carbon reduction including case studies from Cranfield University and Bedford College
A presentation about behaviour change which offers a simple overview of the key areas, theoretical models, the barriers to change and some example projects.
A toolkit published by the Department for Transport (DfT) which provides a practical tool for users wishing to apply the latest behavioural insights in the transport context.
A case study looking at City College Norwich who in December 2009 launched a five-year Strategy which contained an objective of developing 21st century environments that are...
This guide produced by the Scottish Government is designed to help employees who want to reduce their carbon footprint.