Helium is a non-renewable resource and is essential for the operation of MRI scanners and magnets supporting research into drug discovery to cure such diseases as...
At UWTSD enabling people to connect with one another is central to our institutional mission to reinvent productivity and help staff and students make the most of every moment...
Through implementing a comprehensive water management plan the University has reduced its water consumption by 20%; enough water to fully hydrate (8 glasses a day) our 30,000...
Lancaster University leads the HE sector in respect of its integrated, cutting edge sustainable food projects such as ‘Edible Campus’. Together, Lancaster...
Aberystwyth University is one of only a handful of universities in the UK where 30 – 40% of food spend in the University’s cafes and outlets is either sourced locally or...
University of Reading was getting more and more waste toiletries from the guest bedrooms with no way of being able to recycle or give them away and this was known to be a...
Over the past academic year, the University of Brighton has focused its efforts on tackling food waste in campus restaurants.
The EAUC-Scotland Forum meeting is to be held at Glasgow Caledonian University (George Moore Building) on the 2nd September 2015, 14.20-16.30. Come join the...
The IARU Global University Climate Forum is a one-day workshop on 5 December in Paris during the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations (COP21) where...
LiFE Framework: Leadership, Learning and Teaching, Business and Industry Interface (what does this mean?) Workshop Description: This interactive and...
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how Cardiff Metropolitan University is aiming to manage its operations in ways that are environmentally sustainable, economically feasible and...
In order to bring all of Durham University’s environmental initiatives and activities together, the name and concept of ‘Greenspace’ was devised in 2010....
Sustainability is about making changes and inspiring a new approach to the way we live in the world, use its resources and interact with the rest of the ecosystem.
The project undertook demonstrations of off-grid options using solar PV-based mini/ micro grid systems at four locations in India.
DESIGN+MAKE was a collaborative pilot project with the charity Art Against Knives. It engaged hard to reach young people (18-24) that were potential victims or perpetrators of...
This is a campaign that encourages students at the end of the year to donate their unwanted items - promoting a reuse ethos and creating lasting partnerships across...
The sensitive and beautiful restoration of historic Drake’s Place Gardens and Reservoir, and development of related activities, has been undertaken with - rather than for...
The University of Leeds is responsive to the needs of its stakeholders and wider community. They asked the University to make a more positive impact on society
Since 2007 the university has been addressing sustainability across the whole institution; sustainability is cited in the Strategic Plan as a core value of the University.
CU Social Enterprise CIC is a social enterprise set up by Coventry University to help staff and students of Coventry University set up social enterprises of their own.