Van Mildert College Outreach
Snug not smug
Embedding sustainability at Aston University
The first event in EAUC-Scotland's 'Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series' took place on the 6th September 2017 and focussed on Student Engagement events....
Hands on Bristol - Live Architecture Lab
Community21 Embedding the University of Brighton School of Architecture and Design into a local and international sustainable development network
Down by the river- BU students connecting the local community to wildlife
Choices 4 all: Get out be active
Leicester: Talkin’ bout our evolution
Green Move Out
Unique opportunity to join a 6-month cross-sector Task and Finish Group to path-find and develop guidance on opportunities and resilience in environmental and sustainability...
Research published by sustainability consultancy Brite Green shows universities in England have achieved their best year-on-year reduction in carbon emissions to date, although...
Environmental and sustainability strategy Waste Improvement Project
We can see the wood from the trees!
Medical School carbon reduction strategies
The Energy Detectives Investigating and solving energy waste across campus
Flushed with success! A UK first in sustainable energy from waste water.
Improving Sustainability Together our success story (so far )
Smashing 35
Achieving carbon reductions above and beyond the basics!