SORTED Guide to Sustainability in Further Education – Part 2 - Leadership and Governance – 2.1 Leadership and governance – Management Phases Action plan
Management Phases
Leadership and Vision
Who nees to be involved?
Senior management team and governors or board members
Key questions you should be asking yourself
- How sustainable are we?
- Do we need to carry out a baseline review?
- What do our key stakeholders think e.g. staff, learners, employers, governors?
- Are governors and managers aware of the strategic and tactical implications of a more sustainable approach?
Key activities
- Formulate the (business) case for sustainability
- Raise awareness and begin the process of cultural change throughout your organisation through meetings and workshops.
Expected outcomes
- Internal business case for sustainable development
- Revised vision and mission statement
- Communication plan for the revised vision and mission
- Stakeholder consultation report.
Who needs to be involved
Senior management, champions (if appropriate), key internal and external stakeholders.
Key questions you should be asking yourself
- Where are we now?
- What is our current level of performance against the vision and mission and operating principles?
- What are our legal requirements in relation to sustainable development?
- Do we comply?
- How do we integrate sustainable development into our management procedures?
- What short-term actions do we need to take?
Key activities
- Prepare and scope a baseline review.
- Communicate the baseline findings to internal and external stakeholders, and elicit feedback.
- Assess compliance with legal requirements and assign roles and responsibilities to manage and improve these.
- Develop capacity building training programmes.
- Report actions, impacts and outcomes to internal and external stakeholders.
- Feedback into strategic and tactical action plans.
Expected outcomes
- Baseline review report.
- Implementation and management plan.
- Stakeholder feedback report.
- Compliance and improvement report.
- Training and development plan.
- Actions, impact and outcome report.
- Identification of strategic priorities and actions.
- Board level consultation and sign-off.
Who needs to be involved
Senior and middle management, board members, sustainable development champions and/or implementation team.
Key questions you should be asking yourself
- What organisation change is necessary and desirable?
- What management processes do we need to change?
- How will we communicate the sustainability message and changes identified?
- Are the links between words and action strong enough?
Key activities
- Agreeing and implementing a sustainable development action plan, with timescales and milestones.
- Assigning roles and responsibilities for specific actions in line with skills and competence.
- Implementing sustainable development awareness and training programmes as required.
- Consulting and communicating on the agreed actions.
- Reviewing and refining corporate governance and sustainable development reporting arrangements.
- Identifying opportunities to influence external agencies e.g. community bodies, employers, trade organisations and suppliers in sustainability terms.
- Fostering linkages at senior and middle management level between those responsible for different areas of action e.g. estates and curriculum.
- Engaging with the community.
- Reporting on SD activity at management meetings and to governors or board members.
Expected outcomes
- Record of sustainable development activities undertaken and their impact on performance.
- Sustainable development organisational chart showing roles, responsibilities, reporting and communication lines.
- Revised corporate governance of sustainable development reporting procedures.
- New partnerships and collaborative activities with community and businesses on sustainable development issues.
- Organisational websites, prospectus and other communication devices make explicit reference to sustainability actions and impacts.
- Sustainable Development should inform all CPD programmes, and training should be incorporated into induction for new staff so the knowledge base is maintained.
Who needs to be involved
Board members, senior management, sustainable development implementation team and/or champions. Possibly self-assessment and/or independent audit team.
Key questions you should be asking yourself
- Are we doing what we say we do?
- Does our performance reflect significant sustainability actions, impacts and outcomes identified from the baseline review?
- Are our tactical and strategic approaches improving our performance?
- Who are we reporting to and what are we reporting?
- How credible and transparent is our reporting?
- Should we include impartial assurance as part of the reporting process (e.g. OFSTED reports)?
Key activities
- Collecting and evaluating objective evidence and stakeholder perception surveys or questionnaires with regards to sustainable development profile and 'performance'.
- Assessing new opportunities for sustainable development performance improvement.
- Selecting and training internal self-assessment team on relevant sustainable development issues.
- Producing and communicating sustainable development progress report.
- Regularly review and improve knowledge transfer and communication systems to ensure that key initiatives are widely replicated both within individual providers and between organisations.
Expected outcomes
- Progress report against sustainable development strategies, tactical plans, objectives and targets.
- Recommendations for improvement in terms of sustainable development.
- Integration of key elements of sustainable development progress into organisational self-assessment report.
- The review process should result in clearly communicated findings, which should form the basis for the next round of strategic and tactical planning.