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Hillside Environmental Services has summarised and clarified all of the reporting requirements you need to meet and protocols you need to adopt in baselining, evaluating, and...
carbon reduction | Carbon Emissions | ghg | SECR | LOW-CARBON | CARBON REPORTING
Web Page
A collaboration between Glasgow School of Art, University of Glasgow and Glasgow City Council; helping communicate sustainability data better and engage staff and students.
Scotland | Glasgow School of Art | Engaging Professional Departments | University of Glasgow | communications | marketing
Web Page
Many institutions struggle to implement an institution-wide programme for recycling and reusing their electronic waste. University of the Highlands and Islands’ Perth...
Scotland | Student Engagement | ICT | reuse | Sustainable ICT | it | Engaging Professional Departments | Perth College
Web Page
Academic researcher Callum Egan, working in the field of human-computer interaction, is developing permaculture-inspired sustainability gardens at Edinburgh Napier...
Scotland | engagement | ICT | living labs | it | Engaging Professional Departments | Edinburgh Napier University | gardens | Information Techonology
Web Page
The University of Westminster is take a different approach to communicating the benefits of going vegetarian by using the 'Part-time Carnivore Loyalty Card'
engagement | food | carbon reduction | students | catering | staff | communication | Engaging Professional Departments | whole institutional approach | University of Westminster
Web Page
The benefits of introducing a joint role between the Catering Department and Sustainability Team.
Student Engagement | engagement | food | catering | staff | food waste | Engaging Professional Departments | University of Westminster | job role
Web Page
The University of Cambridge’s Sustainable Food Policy aims to reduce the central catering department’s impact on the environment through, among other initiatives,...
engagement | food | carbon reduction | students | catering | staff | University of Cambridge | Engaging Professional Departments | whole institutional approach | food policy
Web Page
NUS covered the story of Trinity Saint David's Students' Union (TSDSU) quest for a plastic free venue. Read more here.
zero waste | Single Use plastics | Plastic Free
Web Page
NUS launched #TheLastStraw – a campaign to stop the use of single-use plastic straws in students’ unions and beyond. Read more here.
zero waste | Single Use Plastic | The last straw
Web Page
Sheffield Students' Union is opening a whole shop dedicated to environmentally friendly household goods and wholefoods without the packaging. Read the full article here.
zero waste | Single Use Plastic
Web Page
Clean Air Europe released a Sustainable Parking Management guideline document in 2015.
This is available here.
Car park management
Web Page
The Carbon Trust have free and impartial publications to help reduce your organisation's environmental impact: the guides give advice on energy efficiency,...
energy efficiency | The Carbon Trust
EAUC and AUDE are delighted to launch guidance for the education sector on how to calculate Scope 3 carbon emissions. EAUC and AUDE are committed to supporting the sector....
scope 3
On the 28th November 2017 EAUC-Scotland hosted a webinar exploring the disposable cup challenge. This was held with contributions from Michael Lenaghan, Environmental Analyst at...
behaviour change | reuse | waste management | webinar | Zero Waste Scotland | recycle | EAUC-Scotland | keepcup | Single Use plastics | Vegware | EAUC-S | Coffee Cup Waste Minimisation | Coffee Cup | Disposables | waste stream | Compostable single use items | Single-use | Michael Lenaghan | Environmental Psychology | Keep the Cup | Wouter Poortinga | Plastic Bag Charge
The United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO have produced a series of good practice case studies in ESD from across the political jurisdictions of the UK. The document was...
ESD | FE | HE | wales | uk | schools | UNESCO | FHE | communities | Belfast | 2017 | CaseStudies | Ecoschools | GoodPractice | Greenacademyprogramme | Downtoearthproject | NUSGreenImpact | St JamesCommunity Forum | GTCScotland | Sustain Wales | UKNC
Resource on the third part of the Careers Project: Winning a Job in Sustainability, including webinar.
Student Engagement | Learning and Teaching | webinar | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | UWE | Careers Project | University of the West of Scotland | Jobs in Sustainability | Sustainability Jobs | Green Careers | Internships | Careers webinar series part 3 | sustainability experiences | winning a job in sustainability | 2050 Climate Group | Careers 3 | Careers webinar 3 | Brightgreen Business | Brightgreen Placement
Resource on the second part of the Careers Project: Preparing for a Job in Sustainability, including webinar.
NUS | careers | Careers Project | green jobs | National Union of Students | Robert Gordon University | careers webinar | PwC | IEMA | sustainable careers | RGU | careers in sustainabitlity | Preparing for a job in sustainability | job in sustainability | careers webinar series part 2 | careers webinar 2 | careers part 2
Resource on the first part of the Careers Project: Understanding Sustainability Jobs. This includes a link to a webinar held on the same topic.
sustainability | webinar | careers | Careers Project | green jobs | Sustainability Jobs | Jobs in Sustainability | careers webinar | Jobs | EAUC-S Careers Project | understanding sustainability jobs | webinar careers | Careers Webinar 1
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are viewed in the context
of Johan Rockström’s work on planetary boundaries at the Stockholm
Resilience Centre. This work sets a...
ESD | curriculum | Education for sustainable development | SDG | Sustainable Development Goals | means of implementation | sustainability transition
John Bailey, Head of Sustainability, University of London emailed the Members’ network asking,
“We are hoping to create some guidance for architects and designers...
Member responses | strategy | policy | building | zero carbon | specification