Before you can effectively manage your institution’s waste, you will need to know as much as possible about your existing waste management practices.
This chapter will help you identify and quantify the waste that is generated at your institution - the way it is handled and the costs associated with each stage of handling, recycling and disposal. This should provide the appropriate information to identify responsibilities, costs and potential savings, so providing the basis for planning waste management practices in an efficient, cost effective and environmentally considerate manner.
The review process can be undertaken in two stages; first, a preliminary waste review, a quick study to identify the main wastes produced and indicative costs for waste disposal. The second, more detailed waste review may require a small team of people and support from senior management, but will enable the establishment of a good baseline from which to develop your project to manage the institution’s waste effectively. The waste review is the first part of the Planning Phase of the Waste Management Cycle
Personnel in FHE institutions will have different levels of experience and expertise in waste management. You can decide which parts of this chapter will be of greatest importance to you and which you need not refer to at present. Not all are mandatory, nor is it necessary to complete them in the order presented.
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