Universities and colleges can play their part in decarbonisation through research, learning and teaching, knowledge transfer, the student experience, community engagement, and business interface. Low carbon campuses using effective utilities management are the foundation upon which institutions will realise this crucial role as global leaders in sustainable development. The built environment in which our researchers, educators and students engage with the social responsibility and sustainability agendas should reflect the ambitions of an institution and contribute to the aims and objectives of a Sustainable Development Strategy.
If you would like to connect with other EAUC members interested in utilities, join the EAUC's Energy & Water Community of Practice here. This group is for EAUC members only.
EAUC-Scotland's Energy Management Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
A case study from Jisc and the London Metropolitan Network (LMN)which provides a data back up solution to London institutions using the state-of-the-art technology.
Established in 2000, the Welsh Video Network supports videoconferencing studios in every university and college in Wales, and facilitated over 4,800 conferences in 2006-07....
Ave Maria University has integrated all its IT and facilities management, including air conditioning, lighting, security cameras, fire alarms, electrical and building-access...
Case study of the University of York cutting carbon in computing initiative
A case study from Jisc about how WEEE Regulations stimulated NTU to reduce the amount of waste generated and to manage the residue more effectively.
This case study explains how the University of Sheffield has undertaken a detailed estimate of the energy/carbon footprint of its ICT estate.
By investing in low energy PC and server systems, the research team has lowered the environmental impacts of their computational-intensive modelling
A case study from SUSTEIT about free cooling, avoidance of hot/cold air arrangements, and variable speed drives, which can save in energy costs, compared to older, unoptimised,...
At the University of Liverpool, the self-developed software powers down around 3,500 participating computers that are idle for over 10 hours daily, bringing numerous benefits.
When City of Bristol College encountered a growing number of servers with the related power and cooling requirements, it looked at virtualisation mainly for server...
This case study introduces "HECToR" (High End Computing Terascale Resources)
This case study explains how Jisc were able to provide Cardiff University with new technology allowing twice as many servers in less space and the total cost.
A case study, from Cardiff University, explaining how using Condor could help cut your electricity use.
In the Queen Margaret University campus a key feature is thin client IT infrastructure, which produces less heat and allows the building to be mostly naturally lit and ventilated.
Replacing 120 physical servers with 13 VMware ESX host servers has enabled Sheffield Hallam University to expand server capacity considerably, while reducing energy costs and...
The Suste IT Tool is a simple carbon accounting tool that calculates the amount of energy (kWh), carbon (CO2) and money (£) is spent on ICT related energy use.
Nottingham Trent University (NTU) has embarked on a comprehensive utilisation survey for the whole academic year in order to gain an insight into the use of the estate. The...
Coventry University’s Carbon Challenge scheme is an inter-faculty energy competition with eagerly anticipated monthly reports, quarterly league tables and prizes....
Imperial College London is committed to provision of sustainable operation of its estate, despite a strategy of refurbishment, new build and staff/student growth. To support...
Sustainable ICT in Further and Higher Education, a JISC report, provides useful information on good practice in environmentally sustainable ICT