The money that institutions spend on travel and transport is often not immediately felt or seen. Mileage claims and vehicle fleet management are among the few which are immediately visible; what's unseen are many hidden costs, not limited to financial expenditure. For example, costs associated with staff time spent travelling, providing parking spaces year-round, and the overall carbon footprint of student and staff journeys.
The impact on the environment can be significant, especially with international journeying for studies, business, and conferences remaining popular. The much needed measures to reduce excessive vehicle use are important for any university or college seeking to achieve the aims of its environmental commitments.
Connect with other EAUC members interested in this area of sustainability, by joining the EAUC's Transport Community of Practice. This group is for EAUC members only.
EAUC-Scotland's Travel and Transport Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
Since 2008, the University’s holistic approach to environmental management has enabled staff and students to come together and deliver significant and quantifiable...
Sustainability is about making changes and inspiring a new approach to the way we live in the world, use its resources and interact with the rest of the ecosystem.
Keeping Oxford Brookes University moving is a daily challenge. With 2,800 staff and 18,500 students, Brookes needs a clean, green and sustainable means of getting people between...
In 2014, a School survey conducted to understand commuting habits showed that at least 40% of journeys made by students and staff were made on foot or by bicycle.
Orientation Week (O’Week) celebrations at the University of Adelaide attract over 15,000 students each year.
In partnership with the Department for Education and the Department for Energy and Climate Change, Salix is launching a research pilot project for a limited amount of...
Moving the masses – a commuter revolution The University of Wollongong (UOW) has developed and implemented a significant Sustainable Transport Strategy to shift...
The Travel and Transport Topic Support Network held their bi-annual meeting in collaboration with ACT TravelWise at the University of Dundee on 27th May 2015....
The Sustainability Team at the University of Reading works with local bus company Reading Buses to provide an excellent service for staff, students and visitors. Responsiveness...
Newcastle University's Travel and Expenses Policy is led by Procurement and is filtered down to staff through management. The University is hopeful to see an improvement...
Thinking outside the rectangle: beyond the carpark for sustainable transport. In a few short years, implementation of the University of Tasmania’s sustainable transport...
Doing the right thing – a holistic approach to sustainability. At Otago Polytechnic we believe in doing the right thing. Our goals are to have every graduate a sustainable...
The Green Gown Awards Australasia Winners’ summary 2014 provides a summary of the projects recognised by this year's Awards, the International Awards and the ACTS...
View the photographs taken at "Challenging Connections" Annual Conference 2015.
Canterbury Christ Church University present their annual 2014 Sustainability Report.
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how the University of Brighton has adopted sustainability as one of its core goals, as reflected in the institution’s Strategic Plan.
This presentation is the final Keynote from day one of the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, presented by Leeds City Council, ASDA and...
This presentation is from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, presented by University of Leeds and falls under the Leadership and Governance...
The EAUC Annual Conference 2015 programme in full!
This presentation is from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, Further Education Summit and presented by City College Plymouth.