Tools and Techniques for Sustainablility Management and Reporting - EAUC Tools

Tags: green gown awards | Scotland | conference | eauc | resources | tool | EAUCS2015 | shared responsibility | life

This presentation on 'EAUC Tools' was given as part of a morning workshop on 'Tools and Techniques for Sustainability Management and Reporting' at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2015 by Nina Bartlett, Events and Communications Officer for the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC).

Session Outline

The EAUC offer a range of tools and systems, including LiFE and the Sustainability Exchange, which can support individual institutions on their sustainability journeys by enabling them to pull together and share sustainability case studies and projects. This session introduced these tools, and explained how they can be used to share sustainability responsibilities, both within your institution and beyond.


EAUC-Scotland held their third conference on the 17th November 2015, sharing examples, ideas and opportunities for Colleges and Universities working to develop and promote sustainability within their institution.

The conference theme, A Shared Responsibility, highlighted that for effective change sustainability action is not only needed by estates teams, but also academic and support staff, senior management and students, and requires engagement with local and national partners and other further and higher education institutions.

Find all resources from the Conference using the tag EAUCS2015.