The aim of this guide is to provide colleges and other Further Education (FE) institutions with specific guidance on embedding sustainability into every aspect of their organisation, with inspiring examples of what others are already doing.
The Guide will provide a starting point, inspiration and signposts to places of more information for those wishing to delve deeper. It can also be used by those already on the sustainability journey, as a way of reviewing where you are going, and where you may look next.
View the SORTED Guide to Sustainability in Further Education here
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The EAUC Annual Conference 2015 programme in full!
Green Move Out and Student Volunteers
UK colleges commit to go green Colleges responsible for teaching and training over three million people will today pledge to go green in all areas of their business. The...
Green move out Durham University’s Green Move Out Scheme collects students’ unwanted belongings at the end of the academic year and donates the items to local...
As you know, Regional Sustainability Advisers (RSAs) have been appointed by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) to help promote and embed sustainability...
The University of Manchester catering service strives to offer healthy, sustainable catering that is produced, processed and traded in ways that; contribute to the local...
A presentation from the 2014 Conference about developing a training package to help deliver your sustainability goals using LSE and UCL as case studies.
A report on sustainability in tertiary education has been released today (12th October 2015) by the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC), National...
We have TWO available trustee positions for election ahead of our 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM). Only Educational Members can apply. This year we’re looking...
This year’s most sustainable restaurants in the UK were announced at the annual Sustainable Restaurant Association (SRA) Awards ceremony in London. Now in its fourth year,...
The Vocational Graduate Certificate in Education and Training for Sustainability (VGC ETfS) is the first nationally accredited VET course in education for sustainability in...
Sustainability as the problem to solve your university and college issues! The EAUC Harvard Driving Sustainability Leadership project has taken an exciting new turn....
This Exchange presentation from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, presented by University of Roehampton falls under the Partnership and...
In early February the EAUC North-West England group Convenor, Pam Reynolds asked the group what their plans for Green Week 2015 were. A number of institutions have...
EAUC-Scotland's virtual 'Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series' May edition discussed Water Conservation on Campus. We have produced a best...
While no formal date and theme on what Go Green Week should focus on have not been announced yet, we know that some EAUC members have plans to hold a series of virtual events...
This report produced by Jack Ruane, MSc Student at University College London and endorsed by EAUC aims to present exemplary cases of HEIs in the global South working towards...
Do you know someone with the interest and capacity to help the EAUC-Scotland team develop their support for sustainability in Scotland’s Universities? EAUC-Scotland are...
The Green Gown Awards Ceremony will take place on Tuesday 12 November 2013 at The Roundhouse, Derby College. The EAUC will announced the 2013 finalists tomorrow at 12 noon!...
It's very common for buildings to be lit up, heated and cooled even when there is nobody using them. This may be an obvious area to consider when reducing energy costs, but...