The aim of this guide is to provide colleges and other Further Education (FE) institutions with specific guidance on embedding sustainability into every aspect of their organisation, with inspiring examples of what others are already doing.
The Guide will provide a starting point, inspiration and signposts to places of more information for those wishing to delve deeper. It can also be used by those already on the sustainability journey, as a way of reviewing where you are going, and where you may look next.
View the SORTED Guide to Sustainability in Further Education here
Your search for “college esd workbooks” returned 1041 results.
Established in 2000, the Welsh Video Network supports videoconferencing studios in every university and college in Wales, and facilitated over 4,800 conferences in 2006-07....
This workshop presentation is from the “Learning and Legacy: The Role of Education in Creating Healthier and Happier Cities” EAUC Annual Conference 2016, presented...
Pam Reynolds, Sustainability Manager, Blackpool and the Fylde College, emailed the North West Regional Group to ask if any institutions have been successful with reducing the...
In partnership with Salix Finance, the EAUC is delighted to announce the release of a second Fund of £5 million for energy efficiency and carbon reduction projects in...
Unlike their predecessors, the Millennium Development Goals, which only applied to those countries deemed to be “developing”, the Sustainable Development Goals will...
A session from 2011 Conference which attempts to answer this question to ensure we're all prepared!
The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme have released the grant recipients of Phase 1 of the Scheme. A total of £33,312,689 has been awarded to the further and...
The Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC), National Union of Students (NUS), University and College Union (UCU), College Development Network (CDN) and...
NUS will run a £5 million Students’ Green Fund The EAUC is delighted to announce its close involvement with new HEFCE £5 million...
In partnership with Salix Finance, the EAUC is delighted to announce the release of £5 million of funding for energy efficiency and carbon reduction projects in Further...
Universities and Colleges are Creating Greener Buildings, and Responding Positively to Environmental and Social Issues 16 universities and colleges are winners or highly...
NUS (UK) have been awarded a prize by UNESCO for their work on education for sustainability, through the Green Impact programme. Green Impact is celebrating ten years of ESD...
Roundtable for “Universities for the Promotion of Fair and Sustainable Business Practices” to be held March 25th, 15:00 – 16:30, King’s College London,...
The EAUC-Scotland Forum meeting will be held at Fife College, St Brycedale campus, on the 7 December 2017. The Scotland Forum is a chance for everyone to discuss...
This presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Joe Bourne, Students Engagement Officer - Lancaster University...
A presentation from the EAUC Annual Conference held at the University of York between 27-29 March 2012, helping you to continue the learning and inspiration. Green Gown Award...
Here are a selection of useful links to help you embed Education for Sustainability within your institution.
The past two years has seen a significant rise in the number of university procurement teams striving to embed sustainability into their processes and practice.