The aim of this guide is to provide colleges and other Further Education (FE) institutions with specific guidance on embedding sustainability into every aspect of their organisation, with inspiring examples of what others are already doing.
The Guide will provide a starting point, inspiration and signposts to places of more information for those wishing to delve deeper. It can also be used by those already on the sustainability journey, as a way of reviewing where you are going, and where you may look next.
View the SORTED Guide to Sustainability in Further Education here
Your search for “college esd workbooks” returned 1041 results.
On Thursday 01 October (11:00-16:00) Ifs University College will host a second major Sustainability Development Event entitled ‘The Financial Sustainability...
Saving space – The new carbon frontier The University of Lincoln achieved a 63% reduction energy consumption and a 58% reduction in carbon emissions for its College of...
Learning for Sustainability Scotland and EAUC-Scotland have developed the College Learning for Sustainability Champions programme to help college teaching staff address...
Following on from last year's successful Cup of tea and an SDG series, timed to celebrate Global Goals Week, we are again bringing you some brilliant...
S-Lab is an initiative with a purpose to create more effective laboratories arising from the financial, customer, user, regulatory and other pressures they are susceptible to....
A presentation from the EAUC Annual Conference 2012 which shares the University of Sheffield and Royal Northern College of Music’s bids to champion greener living
A report undertaken as part of the Association of Colleges ‘Green Colleges’ initiative, which aims to showcase college best practice and help them become as green as...
The session tells the story of the ‘Rounder Sense of Purpose’ competence framework, highlights its novel features, including the peer assessment model, and shares...
This paper compares the environmental impact of different ways of learning, i.e. travelling into college, learning at home.
The Spring Campus Conference of the University Alliance for Sustainability will take place from April 1-5, 2019 at Freie Universität Berlin. The conference will be on...
A presentation from the EAUC annual conference 2012, learning from previous Green Gown Award winners/highly commended about their projects and advice for submissions.
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Rob Callaghan, Sustainability Officer - University...
Here is a project summary of the LGM HEFCE funded project, led by Harper Adams University College to develop Carbon Management Strategies.
Here is a resource created by Bedford College and LSIS that gives examples of best ways to embed sustainable development into the FE curriculum.
On 7-8 September 2015, the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England hosted a symposium looking at the future of Education for Sustainable Development. The...
We are delighted to tell you how successful the Platform for Sustainability Performance in Education ( launch went last week at UNEP Nairobi....
The Centre for Bioscience was awarded project funding by the HEA ESD group to produce a series of short information sheets to support bioscience teaching staff with...
The World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development takes place 10-12 November 2014 in Japan. This also includes many stakeholder meetings that took place in the days...
This presentation is from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, Further Education Summit in partnership with AoC, presented by NUS and Wigan and...
Solar Independence Day annual celebrations will be held on Friday 3rd -Saturday 4th July this year. The Solar Trade Association events have been organised for all round...