The aim of this guide is to provide colleges and other Further Education (FE) institutions with specific guidance on embedding sustainability into every aspect of their organisation, with inspiring examples of what others are already doing.
The Guide will provide a starting point, inspiration and signposts to places of more information for those wishing to delve deeper. It can also be used by those already on the sustainability journey, as a way of reviewing where you are going, and where you may look next.
View the SORTED Guide to Sustainability in Further Education here
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The Further and Higher Education sector is calling on sector leaders and governments across the UK to wake up to the rally cries of students and staff on sustainability issues...
Many institutions struggle to implement an institution-wide programme for recycling and reusing their electronic waste. University of the Highlands and Islands’ Perth...
Cynnal Cymru – Sustain Wales’ inaugural Sustain Wales Awards ceremony was held at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff on 19 November to an audience of national...
Mainstreaming sustainability South Lanarkshire College, East Kilbride, constructed the first building in the UK accredited as “Outstanding” BREEAM (2014) for...
Following responses from students who said they wanted more from their feedback, the college decided to explore the use of screen-capture videos to provide feedback. This...
Resources that were developed via the UNECE Expert Group in ESD in an attempt to provide a framework to assist educators to identify and develop competences (capabilities) in...
This project focused on setting up Sustainability Champions who will take forward the sustainability agenda, engage staff and embed projects into specific curriculum areas
This case study demonstrates how d+b facades provided Imperial College London with aluminium rainscreen overcladding and high-performance replacement windows.
Bridgend College Sustainable Development Vision and Strategy 2019 – 2030
Apple Project
The collective voice of the world’s universities, colleges and students was heard at COP21 during the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. At a...
Bernard Freeman
In response to the Waste regulations (Scotland) entering into effect in January 2014 that requires food waste to be separated, the College developed its own composting...
Imperial College London is committed to provide a sustainable and operable estate, despite extensive refurbishment/new build and staff/student growth.
West College Scotland partnered with AC Whyte to create a Skills Academy that upskills students to apply thermal insulation. This was a response to a company-identified skills...
SERC Sustainable Student Enterprise
The college is participating in the research stage of 'Taigh Zero', an initiative that involves renovating empty houses in the Scottish Islands, and substituting the...
In November 2014 Fife College opened its doors to the nation’s very first vented ‘green’ salon. A new and innovative approach to hairdressing, using all...
Seen to be Green champions a Living Curriculum that is delivered in and beyond the classroom, using gallery and outdoor space and the café
This case study demonstrates how d+b facades insulated aluminium rainscreen overcladding, replacement windows and single ply overroofing at The Bournemouth and Poole College.