SDG Accord Report 2024 - Case Studies

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We recognise that as an SDG Accord signatory, institutions have great stories to tell on how SDGs are being integrated within their community. As part of the institutional SDG Accord reporting in 2024, we asked signatories to submit one or more case studies to share good practice, celebrate and/or outline barriers of how their institution is integrating the SDGs. 

Please use the table below to find case studies relevant to your interests:  



Case Study Title

Institution name and country 

Biodiversity 15 (Life on Land)  Wildlife Sanctuary 

Al-Mustaqbal University - Iraq


15 (Life on Land)
13 (Climate Change)

Forest Restoration on Campus

Canadore College - Canada 


11 (Sustainable Cities
and Communities)
15 (Life on Land)

Biodiversity on Campus

Coventry University - United Kingdom 

Biodiversity 15 (Life on Land) Great Crested Newt conservation in teaching and practice  Nottingham Trent University - United Kingdom 


15 (Life on Land)

Miyawaki Plantation on Campus

Ramco Institute 
of  Technology - India  


Student Engagement 

14 (Life Under Water)  15 (Life on Land)

Wetland Restoration Project  Selkirk College - Canada 
Biodiversity 15 (Life on Land)

Species Surveys 

University of Warwick - United Kingdom 

Business and Industry Interface 

9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure) Industry Readiness Training for Students  SRM TRP Engineering College - India 
Business and Industry Interface  9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure) Green Energy Training  TAFE Queensland - Australia 

Community and Stakeholder Engagement

17 (Partnership for
the Goals)

Community Project

de Celaya - Mexico

Community and Stakeholder Engagement 17 (Partnership for the Goals)  Global Engagement and Empowerment Forum on Sustainability

Institute for Global Engagement and Empowerment, Yonsei University - Republic of Korea

Community and Stakeholder Engagement 12 (Sustainable Cities and Communities)  Desa Mentari Community Observatory Sunway University - Malaysia
Community and Stakeholder Engagement 13 (Climate Action) Reach 2024 Arts and Sustainability Festival Queen's University Belfast - United Kingdom 
Construction and Renovation  9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) Green Building Standards Humber College - Canada 
Construction and Renovation  6 (Clean Water & Sanitation) Sustainable Campus  Kuwait University - Kuwait 

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

10 (Reduced Inequalities)
4 (Quality Education)

Accessibility Ambassadors

SGH Warsaw
School of
Economics - Poland

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

1 (No Poverty)
5 (Gender Equality)

Period Equality Campaign

Shipley College - United Kingdom

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

11 (Sustainable Cities 
and Communities)

Te Oraka - The Good Space

University of Otago - New Zealand

Food and Drink 2 (Zero Hunger) Food Bank  IPB University - Indonesia 
Food and Drink 2 (Zero Hunger) Quality School Lunches National Cheng Kung University - Taiwan 
Food and Drink 2 (Zero Hunger) Campus Food Security Garden Loyalist College - Canada 
Governance and Strategy / Whole Institution Approach  4 (Quality Education) 'More than a University' Sustainability Project  Huachiew Chalermprakiet University - Thailand 
Governance and Strategy / Whole Institution Approach  10 (Reduced Inequalities) Inclusion and Belonging Division  Humber College - Canada 
Governance and Strategy / Whole Institution Approach  17 (Partnership for the Goals)  Investing in Innovative Sustainability Projects  King's College London - United Kingdom 

Governance and Strategy / Whole Institution Approach 

13 (Climate Action)
17 (Partnership for the Goals)

Sustainability Planning
- from Campus to Curriculum

Kingston University - United Kingdom

Governance and Strategy / Whole Institution Approach 

4 (Quality Education)
17 (Partnership for
the Goals)

SDG Internal Project Fund

Nova Scotia Community College - Canada 

Governance and Strategy / Whole Institution Approach 

17 (Partnership for
 the Goals)

SDG Champions Programme

University of Galway- Ireland 

Governance and Strategy / Whole Institution Approach

17 (Partnership for the Goals)  Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022 University of Southampton - United Kingdom 

Governance and Strategy / Whole Institution Approach 

13 (Climate Action)
16 (Peace, Justice
 and Strong Institutions)

Times Higher Education Impact
Ranking results

University of Vaasa - Finland 

Learning and Teaching

4 (Quality Education)
11 (Sustainable Communities
 and Cities)

Sustainability in the Curriculum

Borders College - United Kingdom

Learning and Teaching 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing) International Health Science Short-Term Skills Training  Huachiew Chalermprakiet University - Thailand

Learning and Teaching

4 (Quality Education)

Social Sciences Education

LUT University - Finland 

Learning and Teaching

9 (Industry, Innovation
and Infrastructure)
13 (Climate Action)

Climate literacy for
Construction Trades Microcredential

Nova Scotia Community College - Canada 

Learning and Teaching

3 (Good Health
 & Wellbeing)
17 (Partnership
for the Goals)

The United Nations Global Surgery
Learning Hub (SURGhub)

RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences - Ireland 

Learning and Teaching

4 (Quality Education)

SDG Course Mapping Project

Seneca Polytechnic - Canada

Learning and Teaching

4 (Quality Education)

Sustainability Module

University College Cork - Ireland 

Learning and Teaching

4 (Quality Education)

Student Development Programme:
Create Your Future

University of Exeter - United Kingdom 

Learning and Teaching

4 (Quality Education)
9 (Industry, Innovation
and Infrastructure)

Green Consultants

University of Exeter - United Kingdom 

Learning and Teaching

4 (Quality Education)

Grand Challenges Week

University of Exeter - United Kingdom 

Learning and Teaching

4 (Quality Education)

SDG Integration Mapping Project

University of Galway - Ireland 

Learning and Teaching 4 (Quality Education) Sustainability in the Curriculum University of St Andrews - United Kingdom 


9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure)
17 (Partnership for the Goals)

Digital Modelling of Buildings

Middlesex University - United Kingdom 

Research 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) First Nations Asset and Environmental Management System  Saskatchewan Polytechnic - Canada 


12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)


University of East Anglia - United Kingdom 


13 (Climate Action)
15 (Life on Land) 

Smart Technology Experimental Plant Suite 

University of Essex - United Kingdom 

Research (Biodiversity)

3 (Good Health & Wellbeing)
15 (Life on Land)

Bee Well Project

RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences - Ireland 

Research (Biodiversity) 14 (Life Under Water) Destructive Fishing Research Brunel University London - United Kingdom 

Research (Student Engagement)

13 (Climate Action)
17 (Partnership for the Goals)

Student Sustainability Research Conference (a carbon neutral event)

University of Leeds - United Kingdom 

Resource Efficiency and Waste

2 (Zero Hunger)
12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)

Cuisine Anti-Gaspi / No-Waste Cooking

Cégep de Victoriaville - Canada 

Resource Efficiency and Waste 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) Food Cycler  Selkirk College - Canada 
Resource Efficiency and Waste 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) Recycling in Construction  Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne - Canada 

Resource Efficiency and Waste

11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities)
12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Programme

Fergana State University - Uzbekistan 

Resource Efficiency and Waste; Energy

12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)
7 (Affordable and clean energy)

Sustainable Management of Food and Vegetable Waste

Anna University, Chennai - India 

Staff and Student Engagement

11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities)
12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)

SDG Activities: March for Sustainability Month

University of the Fraser Valley - Canada 

Staff and Student Engagement

10 (Reduced Inequalities)
11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities)

Sustainability Hub

Kwantlen Polytechnic University - Canada 

Staff and Student Engagement

4 (Quality Education)

SDG Rollout Project

Luminate Education Group - United Kingdom 

Student Engagement

12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)
3 (Good Health and Wellbeing) 

Sustainability Activities for Students 

HVPS Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Empowered Autonomous) - India 

Student Engagement

4 (Quality Education)

17 (Partnership for the Goals) 

Yorkshire Universities UPP Regional Sustainability Service-Learning Pilot  Leeds Arts University - United Kingdom 

Student Engagement

4 (Quality Education)
12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)

Year of the SDGs

Niagara College - Canada 

Student Engagement

4 (Quality Education)
13 (Climate Action)

SDG Week

Nova Scotia Community College - Canada 

Student Engagement

4 (Quality Education)
11 (Sustainable Communities and Cities)

SDG Activities for Students

Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College - India 

Student Engagement  4 (Quality Education) SDG student competition  Red River College Polytechnic - Canada 

Student Engagement

6 (Clean Water and Sanitation)
10 (Reduced Inequalities)

World Toilet Day

Shipley College - United Kingdom 

Student Engagement

12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)
13 (Climate Action)

Sustainability Digital App

Chelmsford College - United Kingdom 

Student Engagement

4 (Quality Education)
17 (Partnership for the Goals)

SDG Week: 'Think Locally, Act Globally'

International University of Sarajevo (IUS) - Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Student Engagement 4 (Quality Education) Protection Security and Investigation Program Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology - Canada 
Student Engagement 4 (Quality Education) Living Lab Initiative British Colombia Institute of Technology (BCIT) - Canada 
Student Engagement 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) Kaua'i Community College Study Abroad Humber College - Canada 
Student Engagement 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities)  SDGs and Global Super Snacks Thompson Rivers University - Canada 

Travel and Transport

3 (Good Health and Wellbeing)
13 (Climate Action)

Active Travel Team

Forth Valley College - United Kingdom 

Travel and Transport

3 (Good Health and Wellbeing)                  13 (Climate Action) 

Cycling Friendly Campus Partnership  University of the West of Scotland - United Kingdom 
Travel and Transport 13 (Climate Action) Emission Test for Vehicles IPB University - Indonesia