Schedule of requirements for invitation to tender
(taken from those used by the University of Northumbria and Glasgow Caledonian University)
All or most of the following headings should be included in the invitation to tender documents.
- Scope - what the service has to cover in terms of waste streams and recycling
- Waste management strategy - recommendations, arrangements and support from the contractor to cover all facets of waste management
- Collection arrangements - equipment, frequency, collection time, other arrangements
- Costs - include hire or purchase of equipment, uplift, basis for charge by weight or volume, application of landfill tax
- Guarantees - for example, to ensure that if the recycling market were to collapse, charges for the collection of recyclable materials would not be levied
- Reuse and Recycling - what can be recovered, collection arrangements, methods to reach targets, potential revenue, fixed or variable market rate, how revenue is to be paid
- Confidential waste - including collection and storage methodology, certificates confirming destruction, recycling revenues or uplift costs
- Waste Disposal arrangements - registration details for transportation of Controlled Waste; number, date of expiry, disposal details for all waste streams, final destination, licensing of waste site, any alternative arrangements
- Monitoring, Feedback and Review - describe how this will be done, level of feed-back and frequency, details of specific waste streams for internal charging if necessary
- Education - whether any assistance is available for the education of the workforce and students, what form this might take
- Contract - copy of standard contract if available
- Company policy - policy on waste management, details of accredited environmental standards
- References - preferably from a similar organisation to your institution
- Period of contract
- Annex Include a summary of the institution’s current waste arisings and recycling, plus desired targets as an introduction or annex to the Schedule