Realigning Curricula for the Future: Retrofit Teaching Best Practice & Network

Tags: energy | education | learning | teaching | retrofit | trade | built environment | sustainable construction | net zero | best practice | green skills

Realigning Curricula for the Future: Retrofit Teaching Best Practice & Network image #1

How can colleges teach about retrofit and integrate retrofit into construction and other curricula and apprenticeships?

Hear from three colleges across the UK about their approach and how they are facing current challenges, and the discussion of the need for a best practice network.

We heard from:

  • Greg Steele, Borders College, Scotland
  • Jayne Jones, Neath Port Talbot College (NPTC) Group, Wales
  • Nikki Davis, Leeds College of Building, England.

Highlights include:

  • Borders College's Eco-House and development becoming accredited by NOCN to deliver the Level 5 Diploma in Retrofit Coordination and Risk Management 
  • NPTC Group's collaborative approach to developing and delivering courses based on demand of businesses and other partners as well as their innovative website and display of courses
  • Leeds College of Building's collaboration with a retrofit and sustainable construction expert funded by a local charity and their collaboration with local partners and authorities to integrate retrofit and sustainable construction principles with demand and improve signposting
  • A discussion revolving around the biggest challenges around retrofit skills development and how to tackle these together.

Find out more: See comprehensive notes and speaker slides in the downloads and the recording below. See also a jamboard where participants shared their thoughts about barriers and the need for a best practice network.
