Both the private and public sectors, including the university and college sector have a legal and social responsibility to promote and protect human health and the environment by safely, responsibly and efficiently managing and reducing waste and maximising waste reuse, recycling and resource generation opportunities.
As large organisations that manage staff, student, visitor and supplier waste, institutions must contend with a host of operational matters. Common concerns today include the increasing costs of disposal charges and landfill taxes, and the potential to adhere to Scope 3 guidelines on carbon emissions relating to estates.
To connect with like-minded sector experts on the topic of waste, join the EAUC's Waste Community of Practice. This group is for EAUC members only.
EAUC-Scotland's Waste Management Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
The University of Aberdeen is working with the Creative Waste Exchange to divert material from landfill to community groups and other organisations such as schools that are able...
The University of Glasgow and the Carbon Trust worked together on a Carbon Management Programme which identified opportunities to reduce energy consumption and make the...
Information on the London School of Economics' HEFCE-funded project, moving towards zero waste.
A project that designed, implemented and evaluated a suite of social software applications, to encourage positive changes.
Here is a project summary of the LGM HEFCE funded project, led by Harper Adams University College to develop Carbon Management Strategies.
The EcoCampus encourages and rewards universities for moving towards environmental sustainability and therefore good operational and management practice.
A University of Bradford led project stimulating strategic change & operational improvements by working with estates & other departments with energy/environmental...
The Energy Consortium has led a partnership made up of Harper Adams University College and the Universities of Lancaster, Liverpool and Surrey to develop additional...
Keble College is one of the largest of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford with 410 undergraduate and 235 graduate students. It was the wish of the founders in...
EAUC Member responses about heating policies which includes ots of examples of heating policies at universities and colleges which can be used to help create your own policy.
Lucideon's Quick Guide to ISO 50001: The New Energy Management System Standard - a reporting guide and a video.
A case study about Queen Margaret University’s Corstorphine Campus which was relocated and how it embraced the challenge to deliver the most sustainable campus in the UK.
Survey results from Heriot-Watt University's Energy Performance and Estates Condition Survey.
Recycling and sustainability within rural further and higher education institutions can be difficult without the support and advice that is more readily available to those...
A case study on Oxford University reducing energy use from out-of-hours working in research buildings
A case study from The University of St Andrews getting to the next level and integrating sustainability into every part of the institution.
The University of St Andrews implemented a compulsory in-house recycling scheme for staff and students. Working closely with the local authority they undertook a rationalisation...
A case study of Elmwood College which used the golf course and farm as living/working educational resources to increase environmental awareness.
A case study from WRAP on the use of recycled paper at the University of Gloucestershire.
Steinel UK Limited shares a number of case studies from some work completed with three EAUC Members in the installation of sensor controlled lighting to reduce energy.