Report from the Meeting of the UK Regional Centres of Expertise in ESD – June 2017

Tags: ESD | SDGs | Education for sustainable development | LfS | LfSS | 2017 | European RCE | UK RCE | June


LfS Scotland hosted a successful meeting of the UK Regional Centres of Expertise in ESD in Edinburgh in June 20th/21st 2017 with participants drawn from 6 RCEs from across the UK.

The aims of the programme were:

• Promoting the key values and actions needed to take forward SDGs at a time of insecurity and uncertainty
• Following up the European RCE meeting held in London June 2016
• Sharing the work of UK RCEs and learning from each other
• Promoting joint working across the UK RCEs and beginning to plan possible collaborative activities
• Enjoying networking with like-minded colleagues

You can download a full report of the meeting and copies of the presentations by clicking on the link in the side bar.