Realigning Curricula for the Future: Engineering and Sustainability

Tags: ESD | learning | teaching | Education for sustainable development | sustainable development | Learning for Sustainability | competencies

Realigning Curricula for the Future: Engineering and Sustainability image #1

This hour long event is part of a series called 'Realigning Curricula for the Future' aiming to support specific subjects to implement sustainability in their teaching. February 2024's meeting focussed on Engineering

Attendees heard examples of good practice when embedding sustainability in the Engineering curriculum, discussed key questions around integrating Education for Sustainable Development, and heard about some existing frameworks and research to support this.

The recording features: 

- introductions and participants sharing their contexts (starts 0:00)

- Elizabeth Robertson presenting on the University of Strathclyde's work on embedding ESD in the Engineering Curriculum through challenge-based learning (starts 13:14)

- Scott Strachan giving a summary of the University of Strathclyde's Vertically Integrated Projects (starts 28:23)

- Q&A (starts 33.55)

- Brief overview of Sam Thomson's work in Building Services Engineering at Glasgow Kelvin College. Sam unfortunately could not join live, please get in touch with him if you would like to know more. (starts 43:35)

- Summary of Human Capabilities for Sustainability White Paper by Enginuity and the Green Edge, including the Engineers without Borders competency compass (starts 47.24)

- Final Q&A, discussion, and close (starts 50:25)

Further resources:
