Sustainable Procurement is among the key drivers of change in any institution, increasingly becoming a key mechanism for policy delivery and cost reduction. All public procurement in the UK is required to achieve value for money and is governed by the public procurement rule to ensure that it is fair and open. In the UK, universities and colleges yearly spend millions of pounds undertaking capital projects and buying goods and services, and institutions are increasingly making these spending decisions in a sustainable way. The adoption of sustainable and socially responsible procurement policies is now more commonplace. These policy strategies demonstrate a commitment to reshaping the ethical, environmental, and social aspects of investment.
Join like-minded EAUC Members in the EAUC's Fair Trade Community of Practice. This group is for EAUC members only.
EAUC-Scotland's Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
Catering for Life
Changing for good
Small changes for significant impact on sustainability
Drastic and fantastic plastic reduction
Nudge LSE to plant-based options
City grows green
Cup, cup “n” away!
The Sustain Supply Chain Code of Conduct has been collaboratively developed and reviewed by the Sustain Project, members including APUC, LUPC, HEPA, EAUC, various HE/FE...
This webinar explores the ways in which Electronics Watch supports compliance with the Modern Slavery Act. Harpreet Kaur Paul, UK Representative, Electronics Watch together...
Aston University - Ethical Investment Policy
Awareness of climate change is at its highest ever and continues to grow, as are pledges to tackle a climate emergency by countries, companies and Universities. With an...
The Salix ‘Love our Colleges’ webinar is aiming to support colleges in England and Wales with their energy efficiency projects, resulting in a wide range of benefits...
Following on from last year's successful Cup of tea and an SDG series, timed to celebrate Global Goals Week, this year we once again brought you some brilliant SDG...
'Our Sustainable Food Journey’, a report on the University of Cambridge’s Sustainable Food Policy, in particular quantifying the impact this has had since its...
Presented by Mark Durdin of Cardiff University and Stuart Bowman of Breathe Energy – this joint presentation of our project plan that mapped out how Breathe supported...
Reaching further in LiFE: Making personal finance accessible
Strategic approach to the selection and procurement of construction materials and products
Report of the Expert Panel on Environmental Charging and Other Measures: Recommendations on Single-use Disposable Beverage Cups
The University of Edinburgh has passed a Palm Oil Policy setting out actions it will take to combat the negative impacts of unsustainable palm oil production. Central to...
Through a case study of Circular Economy office furniture, this workshop showed how disruptive sustainable business models are saving Institutions money, reducing their...