Sustainable Procurement is among the key drivers of change in any institution, increasingly becoming a key mechanism for policy delivery and cost reduction. All public procurement in the UK is required to achieve value for money and is governed by the public procurement rule to ensure that it is fair and open. In the UK, universities and colleges yearly spend millions of pounds undertaking capital projects and buying goods and services, and institutions are increasingly making these spending decisions in a sustainable way. The adoption of sustainable and socially responsible procurement policies is now more commonplace. These policy strategies demonstrate a commitment to reshaping the ethical, environmental, and social aspects of investment.
Join like-minded EAUC Members in the EAUC's Fair Trade Community of Practice. This group is for EAUC members only.
EAUC-Scotland's Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
Prison labour – justified punishment, rehabilitation opportunity, or disciplined workforce for private industry? Paper by EAUC Fair Trade Community of Practice convenor, Liz...
Liz Cooper, convenor of the EAUC Fair Trade Community of Practice has written about the effects of non-firm actors’ interventions in agro-commodity value chains on chain...
Blog post for the Just World Institute blog asking the all important question of, what can we do as procurers of goods to prevent future factory disasters in developing countries?
Liz Cooper, convenor of the EAUC Fair Trade Community of Practice questions to what extent is SRI driven by genuine social and environmental concerns
Liz Cooper, convenor of the EAUC Fair Trade Community of Practice provides this insight into the University of Edinburgh's Fair Trade Strategy 2013-14
This is the University of Edinburgh policy and the proposed amendments to the Fair Trade Policy and Fair Trade Steering Group remit, April 2013
Fair trade Community of Practice convenor, Liz Cooper, sent out a survey to the group's members requesting their thoughts on fair trade in our institutions
EAUC Member responses about Keep Cup and other ways of encouraging the use of recyclable cups.
A case study from Nottingham Trent University's Environment Team about their journey to achieve Catering Mark standards.
Responses from EAUC Members providing insight on the comparative cost analysis of bottled water coolers/heaters compared to installing mains supplied coolers/heaters
Summary and resources from the joint procurement and waste topic support network Monday 22 April 2013, hosted by University of Edinburgh There was a great buzz about the...
'Did you know moments' from the 17th EAUC Annual Conference 2013.
A presentation from EAUC annual conference 2013 on implementing an ethical approach to procurement and supply
With energy procurement managed from central funds the “Electricity Incentivisation Scheme” (EIS) was designed to make University “departments” aware of...
Frameworks for the purchase of biomass boilers & pellets from Pro5
Workshop sessions which help you continue the learning and inspiration from the 14th EAUC Annual Conference 2010 held at Bangor University between the 22nd March - 24th...
Workshop sessions which help you continue the learning and inspiration from the 14th EAUC Annual Conference 2010 held at Bangor University between the 22nd March - 24th...
Scotland’s universities and colleges have publicly declared their intention to address the challenges of climate change and reduce their carbon footprints by signing the...
Scotland's universities and colleges have publicly declared their intention to address the challenges of climate change and reduce their carbon footprints by signing the...
A two page document about vegetables - one of the 14 key commodity/service areas chosen to cover the main areas of procurement relevant to poverty issues.