Sustainable Procurement is among the key drivers of change in any institution, increasingly becoming a key mechanism for policy delivery and cost reduction. All public procurement in the UK is required to achieve value for money and is governed by the public procurement rule to ensure that it is fair and open. In the UK, universities and colleges yearly spend millions of pounds undertaking capital projects and buying goods and services, and institutions are increasingly making these spending decisions in a sustainable way. The adoption of sustainable and socially responsible procurement policies is now more commonplace. These policy strategies demonstrate a commitment to reshaping the ethical, environmental, and social aspects of investment.
Join like-minded EAUC Members in the EAUC's Fair Trade Community of Practice. This group is for EAUC members only.
EAUC-Scotland's Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
EAUC Member responses to suggestions or recommendations regarding sustainable bag suppliers that are better than the standard photodegradable polyethylene.
Universities Scotland's 2015 report on the valuable efficiencies that Scottish universities have found.
North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium (NEUPC) member Durham University has engaged in innovative research to meet its CSR goals, support the environment and achieve...
In partnership with the Department for Education and the Department for Energy and Climate Change, Salix is launching a research pilot project for a limited amount of...
In this Meet a Member career profile, see how Laura Parry (Sustainability Officer) is engaging, motivating and inspiring staff, students and the public with the sustainability...
Sustainable Supply Chains through Innovation (SUSCIN) was led by CfSD between 2009-2012. SUSCIN aimed to build capacity of SME suppliers of eco-innovative...
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how the University of Chester are actively engaging with students, staff and the wider local community.
The SRA approached Darren Procter and his team about working together to tailor the SRA’s sustainability rating to meet the specific requirements of universities and...
Fair Trade Policy and Fair Trade Steering Group Terms of Reference from Bournemouth University
Print Procurement for a Sustainable Future Print Procurement for a Sustainable Future” has transformed the way the organisation prints, copies and faxes using smart...
Late Starter, Fast Runner – Collaborate to Innovate From catch up to innovation, UC may be a late starter, but has proved to be a fast runner in procuring a sustainable...
Download a pdf of the guide, which folds to credit-card size, so that you can see for yourself the type of information or advice contained in it
As the University comprises about 50,000 students and staff, the consumer choices we make on campus matter. When we achieved Fair Trade Accreditation in 2012, we became...
Students and staff working together to deliver a common goal: raising awareness of Fair Trade as a tangible example of sustainability in practice.
A partnership between six higher education purchasing consortia in England is helping institutions achieve their sustainability targets through collaboration on national...
A useful website to help you ensure your institution is 'eating the season'.
View the photographs taken at "Challenging Connections" Annual Conference 2015.
A factsheet from the Sustainable Restaurant Association about food seasonality
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how the University of Brighton has adopted sustainability as one of its core goals, as reflected in the institution’s Strategic Plan.
This presentation is from the Student Sustainability Summit 2015, in partnership with NUS and People & Planet, presented by Incredible Edible, NUS and Leeds University Union.