PRI Academic Network RI Quarterly - Focus on PRI impact

Tags: impact | investment | PRI | Principles for Responsible Investment | responsible | Academic Network | RI Quarterly | responsible investment

On a quarterly basis, the Academic Network publishes the “RI Quarterly”, a publication which aims to provide investment professionals and others the latest research on responsible investment.

Issue 6, January 2015: Focus on the PRI impact

The articles in this edition of the newsletter touch upon many issues that that PRI has addressed since its inception. Organisations sign up to the PRI for a number of reasons. Many want to send a message across their organisations about the value of looking at ESG factors as a way to manage risk, unlock value creation and achieve a reputational and competitive advantage. Others are responding to demand from clients - both institutional and retail investors - to have more accountability and transparency behind the investment process. Others sign up to collaborate with their peers on engagements that are meaningful to the investor community. Still others see joining PRI as a way to get their voices heard about the importance of a sustainable financial services sector for future generations.