As sustainability mainstreams across a university or college, leadership for sustainability is often distributed across an institution where it embraces staff and student. This category recognises the pioneering and innovative cross institution approaches universities and colleges are taking to deliver more sustainable institutions through whole-institution sustainability strategies and new organisational structures.
Judges will be looking for evidence of a clear high-level strategic approach – firstly how stakeholders at all levels are engaged in powerful strategic conversations, secondly how a truly integrated plan is constructed and communicated and thirdly the leadership of change and innovation to turn ideas into action. Outstanding applications must illustrate how the following groups impact and influence the team:
This category reflects the innovation and leadership that institutions are taking in organising their staff and student structures to take a whole institution approach. This category is not just for a sustainability team or specific individuals but for the wider institution team approach..
The shortlisted teams will present live at the Awards Ceremony and the audience will live vote for the winner.
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Displaying 4 results
Awareness of climate change is at its highest ever and continues to grow, as are pledges to tackle a climate emergency by countries, companies and Universities. With an...
Green Gown Awards 2019 - University of Winchester - Finalist
Green Gown Awards 2019 - Nottingham Trent University - Finalist
Green Gown Awards 2019 - Aston University - Finalist