Arboricultural Association
This UK association fosters interest in and advances the study of amenity tree care.
Bat Conservation Trust
Raises awareness of bats and related conservation needs.
Biodiversity Scotland
Provides information about Scotland’s biodiversity, and how you can get involved in enjoying and safeguarding it.
Biological Records Centre
National focus in the UK for terrestrial and freshwater species recording.
Biological Recording in Scotland
BRISC encourages and supports every aspect of recording wildlife and wildlife habitats in Scotland, through local record centres, recording groups and individual recorders.
Helps in identifying invertebrate requirements in Habitat Action Plans.
Butterfly Conservation
Charity concerned with the conservation of butterflies, moths and their habitats.
Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales
Conserves, enhances and promotes the distinctiveness of all Welsh landscape together with the identity of its rural communities.
The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM)
The professional membership body raising standards and the profile of ecology and environmental management for the benefit of nature and society.
The Conservation Volunteers
Charity that manages environmental projects and volunteers through a network of 2,000 community groups.
Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE)
Promotes the beauty, tranquility and diversity of rural England by encouraging the sustainable use of land and other natural resources in town and country.
Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC)
The leading sustainability body for the UK tertiary education sector. Representing a strong alliance of universities, colleges, sector bodies and commercial organisations, the EAUC works to represent its members and drive sustainability to the heart of tertiary education across the UK and internationally.
Flora Locale
Promotes the use of native flora, encouraging good practice in restoring wild plants to the countryside.
Protects Britain’s amphibians and reptiles.
Freshwater Habitats Trust
Conservation, community, research and policy work to protect freshwater habitats and their wildlife.
Hedgelink UK
National partnership that aims to encourage and inspire farmers and land managers to conserve and enhance our hedgerow heritage.
Charity that creates new opportunities for wildflowers and wildlife and encourages people to enjoy them.
Provides information and skills support for businesses and workers in the environment sector.
National Biodiversity Network
A national network to facilitate the exchange of biodiversity data.
Natural Capital Committee
The independent advisory body set up to advise the Government on the sustainable use of England's natural capital - our forests, rivers, atmosphere, land, wildlife, oceans and other natural assets.
Pesticide Action Network
Promotes awareness and understanding of pesticide related issues.
Plantlife International
Charity conserving the UK’s wild plants.
Royal Forestry Society of England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Fosters appreciation, understanding and knowledge of trees, woods and forests.
Royal Horticultural Society
The UK’s leading gardening charity dedicated to advancing horticulture and promoting good gardening.
The Royal Scottish Forestry Society
Charity that facilities the advancement of forestry, including conservation and woodland management.
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Charity concerned with the conservation of wild birds and their habitats.
Scotland’s Environment
Website managed by Scotland’s Environment Web partnership, chaired by the Scottish Government that aims to provide a gateway to information and data about Scotland’s environment.
Small Woods
National organisation for woodland owners, workers and supporters.
Tree Council
UK's charity for promoting importance of trees.
The Wildlife Trusts
A network of 47 local Wildlife Trusts that manage land for wildlife and recreation. Also run events to help people connect with nature and advise landowners on how to manage land for wildlife.
Woodland Trust
The UK’s largest woodland conservation charity.