NUS HQ Refurbishment February 2013

Tags: green | NUS | BREEAM | lighting | office | wall | LED | greening | list


NUS have now moved in to their very green retrofit, with a few UK firsts  – cradle to cradle all LED lights which include the energy used by them, and a native green wall. For more info see the link below - the technical document.

NUS want the building to be an education piece for student leaders, and visitors generally, and are happy to show folks around on an informal basis, email: [email protected].

Jamie Agombar, NUS, sent an email to the Educational Members’ Network saying:

"NUS is doing up an old 1960s 6-floor building, 275 Gray’s Inn Road, by Kings Cross, as our new HQ. We are nearly there, moving in in March / April. Amazingly I have got all the green stuff I asked for (apart from the regen lift as it had a payback of 60yrs!). The list of what we have done, attached fyi, is really exciting.

We are piloting cradle to cradle lights with Phillips, where we rent the units and they pay for the electricity they consume, giving them an incentive to help us not waste energy, as they make their money on the energy we save – a neat pilot that we approached them about, and they said yes, will keep you posted on how it works out."